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We're on 9.2, Now How Are We Going to Stay Code Current?

The Weitz Company upgraded to Release 9.2 during the fall of 2016. In 2017 we undertook an exercise to see exactly what it would take to apply all the latest available Electronic Software Updates (ESU’s). We then hit the reset button and started again in 2018. During this session we will look at exactly how Weitz approached this project and share our results.

With Oracle’s shift towards a rapid release model for 9.2 instead of major release upgrades, companies committed to EnterpriseOne will need to go through this kind of exercise at least once every twelve to eighteen months. Doing this sort of assessment, whether a company proceeds with the updates or not, is what continuous delivery is all about!

Presented by Steve McClure, The Weitz Company

Part of Quest Experience Week. Click here for more information.