Tag: Database & Technology

A vibrant session with “Real Tips” for real world daily database problems a DBA could find. Here you will learn how to improve your productivity, how to solve some real DBA problems and also learn several tips to help you to become a successful DBA. This session is based on some of the most frequent question…

No audio until ~1-minute mark. Speaker was muted. Sorry for the inconvenience! Unexpected changes in execution plans can have disastrous effects on your database performance. Changes such as optimizer versions and statistics, schema/metadata definitions, and system settings  can cause a plan to change, which often times is not for the better.  In this presentation, Janis…

Every DBA should know how to back up and recover a database - their job may depend on it one day.  In order to make backup and recovery easier, Oracle gives DBAs RMAN.  In Oracle 12c, RMAN includes many new features to make backup and recovery simpler and more robust.  This session will cover 5…

Oracle Database In-Memory is the industry leading in-memory database technology, seamlessly accelerating analytics by orders of magnitude, as well as greatly improving mixed workload enterprise OLTP applications. Database In-Memory is highly cost effective since it can be used on databases of any size by using in-memory only for critical data, while using flash and disk…

This session will cover specific Oracle Multitenant best practices as garnered from direct customer experience in production deployments as well as internal Oracle deployments and benchmarks. The session will include deployment road map as well as detailed system configuration, database attributes to evaluate for consolidation, targeted  compute patterns for efficient consolidation and effective resource management.…

Originally introduced in Release, Database In-Memory (DBIM) offers the ability for analytic queries to sift through billions of rows at incredible speed because data is now retained in columnar format in the In-Memory Column Store (IMCS). Oracle Database 12cR2 dramatically expands the capabilities of DBIM, making it even simpler to implement, monitor, and manage…

Consolidating database servers can go a long way toward streamlining your IT, but it still leaves you with several different databases to back up, upgrade and monitor. In this session, you will learn how Oracle multitenant architecture can free you from riding herd over multiple databases, so you can focus on the strategic initiatives that drive…

NOTE - this is v2.0 update of a session delivered at Collaborate last year... REST or Representational State Transfer is a design style that has become the most important technology for applications and services deploying on the web today. Consequently, Oracle has also embraced RESTful services and has exposed a rich set of tools and…

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 offers so many new features that only a panel of Oracle ACEs can do them justice. In this session Oracle ACEs Jim Czuprynski, Anuj Mohan , Kai Yu and Seth Miller from IOUG will discuss about key new features introduced in Oracle 12c R2 . We will share our experience on extensive beta testing and see how any Oracle DBA can take immediate advantage of these new capabilities.

Have you ever experienced an unexpected rush of users on the system which almost ground it to a halt? Have you ever had to approach management with a request for more resources due to poor performance in tight budget times?  This presentation will discuss how to potentially avoid these situations in advance though load testing. …