Tag: Database & Technology

An OS memory shortage can cause bizarre and intense performance situations. In this presentation we will explore different ways to tell if there is a memory shortage and how this affects Oracle performance. First I'll explain operating system process memory, including how to tell how much memory a process is truly consuming. Then I will…

While some things never change, some things do. And it's the things that change that can have a huge impact on us and our families. The cloud is another change Oracle DBAs must face. The cloud is here stay which means as Oracle DBAs we need to adjust or get out of the game. It…

A vibrant session with “Real Tips” for real world daily database problems a DBA could find. Here you will learn how to improve your productivity, how to solve some real DBA problems and also learn several tips to help you to become a successful DBA. This session is based on some of the most frequent…

A vibrant live session from DBAs to DBAs that will take you on an amazing trip to discover how a DBA could make the best use of all Oracle Cloud options and tools available for you (Including Backup in the Cloud and working with VPN Tunnels). Discover how Oracle Cloud works, looks and feel in a breeze.

Attendees will learn how to use the powerful and often forgotten LogMiner utility to their advantage. In this presentation you will learn how to use the Oracle LogMiner utility to increase database security, recover from logical corruption, capture user DDL and replicate your databases to DR sites and to off-prem databases in the cloud. After…

What you wanted to know about the Alert Log all the time. A contribution about formats, contents, versions and differences. We will learn about different tools and also, what we can't see from this famous log file. The lecture also includes a quick overview about the components of an Oracle Database System. This allows the listener to…

Having the technological skills just doesn’t cut it these days. To be successful in today’s environment you need to be able to stand out in the crowd. The ability to clearing articulate your message, present your findings/system improvements needed, and stand up in front of executive leadership is absolutely a most have. This presentation will…

Ever thought about acquiring a mentor to further your IT career, or about becoming a mentor to help others? What should you expect in a healthy mentor-mentee relationship?  This session offers guidelines on - Types of mentor programs - How to choose a mentor, or a mentee - What to expect as a mentee and…

Developers and DBAs frequently, yet inappropriately, have adversarial relationships.  This presentation seeks to help communication between the two groups and, more imporantly, show how the focus and skills of each can help the other produce and support a better product. #IOUGeniusOps

Why is that unix sysadmin so surly?  Why does he look like that?  Did he bathe today?  Twenty years of experience as a unix sysadmin who isn’t a troll and who isn’t a hack and who holds a few college degrees and certifications prompted me to ask these questions for all of us.  Why are…