Tag: Database & Technology

Studies show that the most diverse teams are also the most successful teams. Working with people who differ from each other challenges people's preconceived notions about how the world works and it forces people to step outside their comfort zones and consider new thought processes.  In this session we will discuss how to build diverse…

The beauty of Oracle Sites is that provides business users the ability to manage their own websites. But it's a whole lot more than that, offering a cross-channel digital experience. It supports drag-and-drop components, a mobile first mentality, integration with other service such as the Oracle Documents Cloud Service, and the ability to register third-party apps. "Learn how to create a microsite quickly with Oracle Sites Cloud Service powerful visual tools." That's the Oracle claim and that's what we'll be demonstrating live. Will you be impressed or disappointed? Join us and find out if "anyone can build a site, even you" as Oracle states.

Oracle Database In-Memory is the industry leading in-memory database technology, seamlessly accelerating analytics by orders of magnitude, as well as greatly improving mixed workload enterprise OLTP applications. Database In-Memory is highly cost effective since it can be used on databases of any size by using in-memory only for critical data, while using flash and disk…

Many organizations have partnered with System Integrators to deploy the out of the box WebCenter AP Imaging solution. However, partners often fail to address the pain points of these organizations that would require extending the solution, thus ending up with an incomplete implementation. This session targets business users as well as IT leaders to understand…

Tabular Forms to edit multiple rows of data have been available since the beginning of Oracle Application Express. But they come with some restrictions, like only supporting one Tabular Form on a page. In addition they are missing support for all the cool built-in features available in Interactive Reports. In APEX 5.1, we’ve designed a…

The cost of a single mouse click can add up to thousands of dollars of wasted time annually for a large company. This presentation quantifies the cost of a click and estimates a financial break even point for the development effort that is required to eliminate mouse and keyboard clicks. The presentation uses Oracle Application…

On a tight budget?Maybe you are not satisfied with Oracle supplied and/or Commercially available performance tools? Or does your work environment make it difficult or impossible to utilize tools such as Oracle EM? This presentation will highlight a number of free performance tools that can be used for Oracle performance work. The emphasis will be…

Did you notice that many navigation apps can suggest you in real time to deviate from the initial route because of traffic or accidents?It's pretty cool right? You wanted to take 5th but there is an accident so your initial plan doesn't look so good anymore once you hit the road.Oracle 12c can do the…

Oracle’s recent serious commitments to propagating Oracle Public Cloud technology has many traditional DBAs worrying that their current careers are under threat of elimination. It’s therefore important for DBAs to understand this brave new world and how to survive the generational shift that’s powering the Oracle Cloud Anschluss. Oracle ACE Director Jim Czuprynski, a Strategic…

Consolidating database servers can go a long way toward streamlining your IT, but it still leaves you with several different databases to back up, upgrade and monitor. In this session, you will learn how Oracle multitenant architecture can free you from riding herd over multiple databases, so you can focus on the strategic initiatives that drive your business.

This session will cover:

Oracle Database consolidation approaches and challenges
Oracle 12c Multitenant architecture and administration concepts
Ensuring high quality of service with multitenant environments
Performance monitoring for multitenant environments

View the 12c Multitenant White Paper to learn more.