Tag: Database & Technology

No matter what other Oracle or 3rd party database tools Oracle DBA's and developers might embrace, SQL*Plus remains a mainstay. However many don't fully realize it's true efficiency potential by not mastering advanced techniques such as Dynamic SQL Scripting (i.e. scripts to generate and run scripts). Oracle ACE Bert Scalzo will demonstrate such techniques and…

In previous Oracle versions there were many different ways to setup auditing and separate auditing trails for components. There were also various layouts to the information provided within those audit trails. Oracle 12c introduces a new auditing framework where all auditing is written to a single repository and accessed by a single view. This framework is more secure and provides audit data in a single format. This option comes standard with Oracle Enterprise Edition, requires no additional license and is installed by default.

The new framework also allows you capture application context values and audit records from other sources such as:

  • Oracle Database Real Application Security
  • RMAN
  • Oracle Database Vault
  • Oracle Label Security
  • Oracle Data Mining
  • Oracle Data Pump
  • Oracle SQL*Loader Direct Load
  • Consolidating all these audit records into a single unified audit trail table.

The goal of this session is to briefly highlight the benefits of moving to the Unified Audit Trail (UAT) and provide a real-life example of steps taken to move from auditing as it was in pre-12c database versions to the Pure Mode unified auditing. We will review the default mixed-mode and the pure mode auditing, as well as the considerations and steps in switching modes. The major portion of this session will be on setting up managing audit records in the new framework and steps to assure you capture at least the same type of records as in your pre-12c environment.  The final part of the session will show how to setup policies for other resources utilizing RMAN and Data Pump examples.

Virtualization is already so 5-minutes ago. The cloud IT era is upon us. With more and more new, emerging and established software components and infrastructure pieces coming into the picture, how do you deal with those changes in Enterprise Manager? How do you prepare your current Enterprise Manager setup to continue providing the monitoring and…

As DBA's, we leverage OEM because it's the best platform for managing and monitoring the Oracle stack.   Business management typically knows about OEM because when there is an issue, DBAs use OEM to determine root cause and work with the business to fix the issue.While business management knows that DBAs use OEM for day-to-day…

Many database administrators are enslaved by their consoles, completely dependent on GUI-based database management tools not only for modifications but for all diagnostics. This session is about breaking away from that trap, getting into the Linux/UNIX shell, and finding out what is really going on within the operating system. It explores the basic architecture of…

This presentation is a case study that will demostrate that implementing Virtual Private Database and Database Data Vault allows data access restriction to sensitive data at table row level from all unauthorized privilged user, including SYS. Why still allowing SYS user to access and perform required database functions. Virtual Private Database (VPD) secures data from…

Oracle Audit Vault consolidates audit data from Oracle databases, operating systems and directories into a centralized secure repository.  Audit Vault has built in reports and configurable alerting to enhance security across a large environment. This session will cover the initial deployment of Audit Vault as an Administrator and the separation of duties to configure Audit…

Is your WebCenter Portal-based employee intranet, customer, or partner portal underperforming? Does the home page take too long to load, or does page-to-page navigation cause a severe lag in page assets being displayed? If your organization has deployed Oracle WebCenter Portal and you feel that it is underperforming, this is the session for you. Oracle…

Ever wonder why you can spin-up an Oracle Database environment from a public cloud provider in mere minutes yet it takes days to provision and configure one internally? Oracle database provisioning and management using DevOps style processes may seem like mixing oil & water but it doesn't have to be that way.  In fact it's…

This presentation illustrates the power of Oracle Enterprise Manager's High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) configuration. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) successfully rebuilt its OEM Oracle Management Service (OMS) HA configuration to fit the current Oracle Best Practices which didn't exist when the application was converted to using WebLogic file system replicated domains…