Tag: Database & Technology

One of the best classes I took in my eMBA program was one centered on conflict resolution. Most folks don’t know how to handle challenging people and often resort to personal defense mechanisms which don’t always work. This session is built from a page taken from that class and will give key examples and specific strategies for combating…

Joins, sorts and other temp operations are commonly the top performance bottleneck for well-tuned data warehouse and mixed workload databases. Exadata, by default, does not optimize these operations and Smart Flash Cache is not yet used for temp. This session presents a case study of how Amway and Centroid worked together to maximize join and…

It's truly a Mash-up World, and it wouldn't be possible without API's. API's are the front gateway to the outside world for Mobile and Cloud integration.  API Management tools are available to allow organizations to create, deploy, and manage API's for an integrated Application ecosystem.  We'll discuss what makes API's different from SOA and ESB’s,…

In complex application environments, controlling privileged users and restricting direct database access are examples of the security challenges that organizations must solve in order to have a secure and compliant implementation. This session will examine how Oracle Database Vault can be used to mitigate complex security challenges within application environments.  Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle…

The long-awaited APEX 5.1 Interactive Grid region is here – but what does it mean to you and your end users? Does the Interactive Grid replace Interactive Reports? No more Tabular Forms? This session is for those who have seen the introductory demonstrations, are  looking to upgrade to APEX 5.1 and need some practical guidance…

All DBAs have OS and DB based scripts for performing tasks such as monitoring, backups, or application logic.  However, are these scripts implemented as securely as possible without using some home-grown solution for DB credential management?  Or are they a weak point or possible exposure in your organization's security implementation? This presentation discusses how to…

  Building a product for a software as a service (SaaS) environment is quite different from building a custom application. EVERYTHING is different: the database design, hosting in a cloud, change control, managing hundreds of users each with their own requirements. One popular architecture is to clone a version of the system for each new…

At the beginning was Hadoop 1.0, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, then came Hadoop 2.x, HCatalog, YARN. While you were wrapping your head around Hadoop came a new platform, Spark, setting the Big Data landscape on fire. But hold your breath, here is Flink, a new Big data platform, challenging Spark and Hadoop. Are these frameworks…

  By introducing In-Memory column store, Oracle Database In-Memory (DBIM) significantly improves the performance for analytic queries as well as mixed workloads.  Come to this session to learn Oracle Database In Memory under the hood:  the dual format memory architecture and configuration, how the data is populated into In-Memory column store and  it helps query…

DW & BI databases are growing ever bigger while analytical users continue demanding fast performance. While Exadata may be a great solution, not everyone can afford such a capital investment. Oracle ACE Bert Scalzo will highlight simple yet effective methods to utilize flash based storage technology to significantly improve performance with the least cost, effort…