Tag: Database & Technology

Oracle VM Server for x86 is Oracle’s virtualization product for the commodity hardware platform. This product is the only virtualization product supported by Oracle for database virtualization. Edward Whalen is the author of the newly published book “Oracle VM Implementation and Administration” from Oracle Press. In this session he will cover an introduction to the…

Gallup Inc. reports data collected from surveys using OBIEE11g as one of the reporting platforms. This lecture talks about the customization aspects of OBIEE11g and also the performance characteristics of our implementation.

By using a Datafile Driven Dynamic List you can dynamically force metadata inheritance on content items created from it and eliminate element definition clutter by storing queries in datafiles.

Southwestern Energy is a growing independent energy company primarily engaged in natural gas exploration, development and production. SWN is currently implementing the Hyperion System 11 suite to create a robust financial systems platform to support the needs of a rapidly growing organization. We will highlight benefits as well as the approach and steps needed to…

Welcome to the personalization renaissance. Personalization has always been important for intranet and extranet sites, but now more than ever before, personalization is key to end-user engagements. Oracle WebCenter Personalization Server is a groundbreaking initiative from Oracle Boulder Labs. It brings the best of Web architectures and programming models to bear on the challenge of…

Over the past five years there are three major trends that seem to be molding the future of the Oracle database. The first is the adoption of clustering and an accelerating trend toward grid computing. The second is a movement toward Linux for smaller and mid-sized systems. The third is the pendulum swing first toward…

BI Alerts can be extremely helpful to end-users to alert them to a variety of issues that need to be addressed. BI alerts can also be used to notify developers when issues arise. This session will review how to setup BI alerts and ensure that they are useful. This session will review BI Alerts that…

My Oracle Support (MOS) is the support site for all Oracle customers. This site has had recent improvements and enhancements that you may not know about. This session will quickly cover the various deployment methods of Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) ,which is the connection piece between Oracle Software and MOS. The latest enhancements in MOS…

Branding or customizing the look and feel of Content Server can be an early âwinâ for any organization implementing Oracle Content Management. This session will present some of the more commonly desired customizations, including: images/logos, color schemes, hiding menus and menu items, reordering menu items, and others, with the end goal being to increase user…

Application DBA plays a very important role in Agile development project. In addition to the regular DBA tasks, he/she need to activiely invovled in the project, attending daily status meeting, get better estimate on the tasks and be very proactive. Real experiences and lessions leanred as application DBA in the Agile development will be explained…