Tag: Database & Technology

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

First introduced in 12cR2, Oracle Sharding was further improved in 18c/19c for linear scalability and complete fault isolation of OLTP workloads. With Oracle, sharding data are partitioned horizontally partitioned across discrete  Oracle Databases (shards) in shared-nothing architecture that collectively form a single logical database. Come to this session to learn its latest improvements in Oracle 19c and 20c, sharding on database cloud(DBCS) and leveraging sharding for your business. We will share the experience and tips of configuring sharded database architecture with HA  replication for massive scalability and complete fault isolation. We will also discuss some of the considerations of choosing the sharding method in a global geographic distribution application and some experience of using the Sharding Advisor tool.  We will also discuss some new sharding features that are coming in Oracle 20c such as Federated Sharding and sharding with database in Persistent memory.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Can you convert an integrated Data Warehouse to a set of Micro Services?

In this presentation we discuss the benefits of Micro Services, look at how we can convert a working Data Warehouse into independent microservices, discuss the pitfalls and demonstrate a real-life project where we converted our Data Warehouse to Micro Services.  This enabled a small team to provide frequent releases, increase automation, and become more agile.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Your databases may contain sensitive personal data like Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, addresses, date of births, and salary information. Understanding in what tables and columns sensitive data resides is critical in protecting the data and ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR, PCI, and the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). However, sensitive data is like a weed and can spread quickly if not properly managed. The challenge is how to effectively and continuously find sensitive data, especially in extremely large databases and data warehouses.  This session will discuss methodologies and tools to find sensitive data such as by searching column names, crawling the database table by table, and performing data qualification to eliminate false positives.  Other locations where sensitive data might reside such as trace files, dynamic views (e.g., V$SQL_BIND_DATA), and materialized views will be reviewed.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are a lot like preserving the Earth's environment: Almost everyone is talking about what should be done to save it, but very few people have committed to actually doing something about it.

This session demonstrates a few real-life opportunities to discover unseen patterns and relationships within sample financial and election data by leveraging the AI and ML capabilities already built into Oracle Autonomous Database.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

DBAs spend time dealing with maintenance, security, and outage issues with little time for innovation. Self-driving, self-securing, and self-repairing Autonomous Databases free data professionals to leverage their domain knowledge and data skills to extract more value from data. Oracle Machine Learning, part of Autonomous Database, “moves the algorithms to the data” for in-database processing of machine learning algorithms that eliminate data movement. Now, the entire machine learning process:  problem statement, data understanding and preparation, model building and evaluation, model apply and model deployment runs inside the Oracle Database.   Database developers perform many supporting tasks today, typically 80% of the work, but refer to them as ETL, data wrangling, data transformations, and productionizing scripts.   Come learn how ADW, ATP, and Oracle Machine Learning makes it easy for you to easily expand your valuable data skills and become “data scientists” in just 6 weeks!

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Are you a Developer or a DBA? Have you used Oracle Developer Cloud Services Before? No? So it's time to learn from sessions that will show you live how you can integrate SQL Developer, Git, and Oracle Cloud to achieve unthinkable efficiency and collaboration.

The future is here, let's take advantage of it today!

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Hello, Oracle Database 19c SIG Members! We hope that you are taking full advantage of Quest Forum Digital Event. We are setting up this first Database 19c SIG members call. I will kick-off the call with an introduction of the Database 19c SIG. I will give a high-level introduction of 19c new features and take any questions you have. I will discuss plans for 2020. At the end, I will open the call to get your inputs and understand key topics you want to know more.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Accelerate business insights through data discovery, advanced analytics, and comprehensive Visualization delivered through Oracle BI. This session focuses on LAUSD deployment of an advanced, custom UI/UX framework on Oracle BI stack to deliver extreme Visualization and a live demonstration on how we adopted a simplified reporting platform for line-of-business users on key metrics, dazzling visualization, and infographics delivered through BI dashboards to help improve the decision-making process across the organization.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

AsterionDB has pioneered the ability to seamlessly store and manage both structured and unstructured data in the Oracle Database.  We couple this with the ability to express any business logic required at the data-layer. These capabilities allow us to now build an architecture that can not be hacked. To be clear, hacking your API is not the same as hacking your architecture/platform. Hacking an API can be as simple as stealing a password - that's bad. Hacking an architecture is what happens when all of your files are stolen or locked up w/ ransomware. That's worse! This session will delve into the techniques required to build an impervious architecture that is easily adept at securing structured and unstructured data.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Database Administrators usually collect summary performance, and utilization data for QoS reports. Usually, they present the information in text files with rows and rows of data. The management and users like and understand the visual representation of data better. The tabular format may not make the impact or get the attention you desire. Attend this session to see how easily you can convert those tabular formats to pictures using the free and open-source Google Charts. Google Charts is a pure JavaScript-based charting library to enhance web applications by adding interactive charting capability. This session includes many demos and provides you with templates that you can start using right away by plugging in your favorite SQL.