Tag: Database & Technology

Pre-reqs: Laptop with Internet connectivity Active AWS account with Admin privs. Oracle Database client, e.g., SQL Developer Attended Working with Relational Databases in the Cloud – Introductory Concepts HOL, or having an RDS for Oracle instance already created Get hands-on with the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), a managed cloud database platform from Amazon Web…

Pre-reqs: Laptop with Internet connectivity Active AWS account with Admin privs. Oracle Database client, e.g., SQL Developer Get hands-on with the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), a managed cloud database platform from Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS engineers will guide you through setting up, configuring and accessing relational databases (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL). They’ll discuss what…

Data visualization tools are sweeping the nation with their impressive graphics, capabilities, and intuitive development. Examine the features in Oracle’s Cloud Data Visualization Desktop solution up close and personal. Get quick hands-on training. Bring your laptop and make sure the latest version of DVD (12c) is installed to maximize your learning from this session!

Data Intensity decided to utilize the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud to solve a problem that they were facing around financial reporting. Before the decision to use Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud, Data Intensity’s finance team was spending roughly 60 percent of its time just getting the data out of systems. Therefore, only the remaining 40 percent of the time was spent generating value back to the business.

As prices for flash storage arrays begin to drop we expect to see a shift away from storage arrays based on spinning disk drives, especially when the effects of deduplication, compression, thin provisioning and lower power requirements are factored in to enterprise cost calculations.  Some arrays already on the market have an effective capacity greater…

Historical trends of the last decade lead to a paradox: In search of optimization, our solutions represent a group of independent modules communicating via various APIs (up to an extreme point of micro-services!) The overall number of performance problems increased significantly (comparing to the past, i.e. monolithic implementations). In addition, time to solve any performance…

Attend this session to understand how Oracle’s new Autonomous Database delivers powerful in-database, parallelized machine learning algorithms and the new Oracle Machine Learning Zeppelin based SQL notebooks. Oracle’s machine Learning deliver the fastest way to deliver enterprise-wide predictive analytics. Data analysts can quickly and easily query and explore data sets and build, document, share, automate and deploy machine learning methodologies all running inside the Autonomous Database.

Data analytics team can tackle tougher data-driven problems such as predicting customer behavior, anticipating churn, discovering customer segments, detecting potentially fraudulent activities and performing market basket analysis; all faster and more easily in the Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Come learn how easy it is to incorporate machine learning, predictive analytics and “AI” into your data warehouse projects.

Oracle Autonomous Database, the world’s first autonomous database, launched last year. This “self-driving” database has continuously been gaining interest in the business world. It eliminated complexity, human error, and manual management. This helps ensure higher reliability, security, and more operational efficiency at the lowest cost.

Earlier this month, Quest Oracle Community and IOUG shared some exciting news. IOUG will become the "IOUG Database & Technology Community" and integrate with Quest's JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Oracle Cloud community groups.

  In a DevOps world, database development presents some unique challenges. Using individual development databases is a big change from the shared development database. Determining how to build and test these databases can be a complex challenge.  How to manage the possibility of databases and database software scattered across a large development environment can be…