Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Oct 3 @  2:00pm

In this webinar we will discuss: • The different options of how Orchestrator can be used to build real-time integration with 3rd party systems • The key success factors to build real-time and seamless integration • Show tips on how to use Orchestrator for bulk data exchange and a new way of using well known…

JD Edwards Orchestrator Week:  We find ourselves in a time of rapid, continuous innovation, a time where the lines between business and technology blur. New technologies reveal new business models, and conversely, innovative business models drive the invention of new technologies. As we plot our course to the next horizon we are faced with a…

Oct 2 @  5:00pm

With the rise in awareness for User Experience it is critical we build an intuitive experience for our users that has them returning with ease. Learn how we refreshed the user experience in JDE with the use of the Orchestrator and AIS. Combining the Orchestrator and AIS for data access and modern open sources web…

Oct 2 @  2:00pm

Join us for a customer panel that is all about Orchestration! Listen to other experiences and get questions answered. Featured speakers: Wilker Costa, Sal Cisne: Wilker Costa is responsible for all IT operations at Refinaria Nacional de Sal, the biggest salt company in Brazil. Working together with Oracle and their Partners developed the strategic plan…

Oct 2 @  2:00pm

Your Web Virtual Storefront requires exceeding your competitors in every regard. Success involves customers loving the user experience & returning. Personalization required at the: System, Store, Profile, Account & User levels. The Omnichannel UX, Site Navigation, Catalog & Product Pages, Shopping Cart, Checkout, Fulfillment, Return & Inquiry feature all with robust integration. A no-charge personalized…

Join us for a webinar, as we reveal five ways that manual processes for managing T&E spend are costing businesses big money and how automated web-based solutions plug these leaks.

Oct 2 @  11:00am

Trek Bicycle was the first JD Edwards customer to deploy an IoT orchestration to production, and the use case has grown to become a vital part of Trek’s “fun and flexible” work environment. Learn how employees rely on the orchestrator daily to track their personal bike and parts/accessory orders from the distribution center to Trek…

Oct 1 @  3:30pm

Martin Marietta Inc. is a supplier of aggregates and heavy building materials, with operations in US, Canada, and the Caribbean. MM wanted a unified CRM solution to replace Salesforce and traditional Excel sheets to satisfy the needs of their wide variety of business users. In this session learn how MM accomplished this by leveraging the…

Oct 1 @  12:30pm

Automating integrations and requisition release and PO processing via Orchestrations has been very beneficial to CCWA. It has provided real cost savings, and better information flow between systems, as well as reducing the time it takes to get from Requisition to Purchase Order with the vendor. Objectives: 1.Relate How we are using Orchestrations to automate…

Oct 1 @  11:00am

Hybrid Cloud is quickly becoming a common deployment model of business applications. Integration Platforms are in demand more now than ever. The complicated task of developing a platform that will do what you need it to, it takes a dedicated team of developers. When you have development in-house, the costs are astronomical and you may…