Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

100940 Presented at INFOCUS 19 JDE has built-in programming to do automated voucher matching. This session will explain how the voucher automation works, what its limitations are and enhanced solutions from Forza Consulting to overcome some of the limitations and improve the process flow. Presented by Lisa Tran, Stoner, Inc.

100770 Presented at INFOCUS 19 This JDE E1 Tech SIG is sponsoring a panel of experts for the audience to ask questions to about Orchestrator.  We will talk about uses for the Orchestrator. Come join us for this JDE E1 Technology SIG session and see if you can stump our panel!Presented by Diane Miller, Ahlstrom-Munksjö

100750 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Building and maintaining packages are procedures that have been around forever.  Historically we had slow networks and many fat clients to load and keep up to date.  Today we have fast networks and relatively few fat clients to maintain.  Learn about the package compression options and why you should or…

100350 Presented at INFOCUS 19 Existing JDE open enrollment process does not provide a user-friendly web interface and needed information on the screen for users to make sound decisions on the spot. As they enroll step by step with a cumbersome flow, they do not have a handy plan and premium information right there for…

A recent JD Edwards tutorial showed how to create and assign overhead rules to a joint venture. The video aimed to help users:
•Understand the overhead costs of a joint venture
•Create an overhead rule and add an overhead method to the rule
•Assign overhead rules

The Procurement Manager UX One role is available for JD Edwards users. This role brings several benefits to users, including access to the associated UX One pages and components, tools for receiving alerts, analyzing data, and easy access to related programs that enable users to take action if required.

The Operations Manager UX One role is available for JD Edwards users. This role brings several benefits to users, including access to the associated UX One pages and components, tools for receiving alerts, analyzing data, and easy access to related programs that enable users to take action if required.

Emily Frolick, U.S. digital transformation leader at KPMG, wrote an article about three effective digital transformation fundamentals. She identified them as:
1) Letting the employees lead
2) Building self-awareness by tackling the tough questions
3) Embracing the art of the possible

The Collect and Generate Diagnostics tool that is available in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release can help you simplify your data collection. This new tool was added to Server Manager in order to allow for the efficient collection of diagnostic data and system information.

The Benefits Manager UX One role is available for JD Edwards users. This role brings several benefits to users, including access to the associated UX One pages and components, tools for receiving alerts, analyzing data, and easy access to related programs that enable users to take action if required.