Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 100780

Many companies have expanded the functionality of their JD Edwards databases by using the extensive Used Defined Code (UDC) capability. Because UDCs are very flexible, companies have a wide variety of choices in configuring them to meet specific business requirements. This session will walk through some lessons learned in the set-up and managing of UDC fields.


Examine the benefits of using User Defined Codes (UDCs)

Look at specific use cases for different types of UDCs

Review specific recommendations for the setup and management of UDC fields

Ben Harrison, Preferred Strategies

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021 

Session Id: 103430 

Simplifying Administration and lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO )for JD Edwards has been and continues to be a focus area for the JD Edwards Development Team.  Come learn about the latest product innovations for system administration changes since EnterpriseOne 9.2 release that will help simplify and automate common activities. 

Clayton Seeley, Oracle America, Inc 

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 103200

Same as you would not drive a car without insurance, you should not run JD Edwards without Oracle Support. JD Edward is a crititial system for your business that continues to evolve to address business changes, new technology and security threats. Oracle support ensures that JD Edwards is secure with the latest security standards, is validated with modern platforms, and leverages Oracle Cloud all while providing new feature functionality.

Jon Green, Oracle America, Inc

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 103540

Sending payment files from JDE to banks has always been challenging and a bit expensive for global companies. Files, formats, protocols, webservices are different depending on the banks and the countries. Latin America is a clear example of this variety of requirements. ITCROSS has developed a CONFIGURABLE solution in JD Edwards, for setting up any payment integration file, for generating txt and XML files, and for transmitting them automatically, in all your JDE locations. Companies implementing it will quickly address these requirements, and also reduce future maintenance costs.


Understanding the business challenge: what information do banks request? How can they receive that information?

Addressing business challenge #1: generating payment files from JDE in the format required by the bank. Oracle Validated Integration Solution versus customization.

Addressing business challenge #2: transmitting the payment file to the bank. Orchestrator and other alternatives.

Juan Sabadini, ITCROSS Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 103540

Sending payment files from JDE to banks has always been challenging and a bit expensive for global companies. Files, formats, protocols, webservices are different depending on the banks and the countries. Latin America is a clear example of this variety of requirements. ITCROSS has developed a CONFIGURABLE solution in JD Edwards, for setting up any payment integration file, for generating txt and XML files, and for transmitting them automatically, in all your JDE locations. Companies implementing it will quickly address these requirements, and also reduce future maintenance costs.


Understanding the business challenge: what information do banks request? How can they receive that information?

Addressing business challenge #1: generating payment files from JDE in the format required by the bank. Oracle Validated Integration Solution versus customization.

Addressing business challenge #2: transmitting the payment file to the bank. Orchestrator and other alternatives.

Juan Sabadini, ITCROSS

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 103410

Security is a major concern for every organization while handling their data and its communication over the network. Learn about how Oracle is contiues to secure your JD Edwards implementations with latest enhancements and best practices.

Pradip Pandey, Oracle America, Inc

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 103190

Logistics enhancements in 9.2 provide new functionality for you to improve the efficiency of your logistics operations. Functional enhancements along with UX One, Orchestrator, and notifications will inspire you to re-imagine how this is possible. License Plate Picking Optimization and Commitment Swap can improve the utilization of your warehouse space and personnel. With notifications, the system can make you aware of exceptions that need to be acted on, such as planning for additional labor when an unexpected spike in outbound shipping occurs. In this session you will learn what is possible with 9.2 and get a look at the future roadmap for Warehouse and Transportation.

Ervin Rhodes, Oracle America, Inc

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 101120

“Um, can you resend me that invoice?” “How much credit do we have left again?” “Did we really place that order yesterday?” “Oh, I forget about that invoice…” Any of these sound familiar? Your customers want to be empowered to answer their own questions and pay their invoices. Unfortunately, without an accessible way of accessing this information, Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) spend much of their precious time answering basic customer questions related to account information, invoices, order details, and taking payment for invoices over the phone. This keeps CSR’s from providing value to the customer relationship. In order to free the CSR team and better serve customers, organizations must launch electronic Payment Portals that offer customers access to invoices, historical orders, and account information. Attend to learn how JD Edwards organizations are leveraging the benefits of an Epayments portal, and how to launch one in as little as 60 days.


Educate audience on multiple benefits of empowering customers for self-service.

Educate audience on how to quickly implement and launch an epayments portal.

Jerry Van Dalen, SmarterCommerce by Premier

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 103510

Imagine adopting JD Edwards product innovations that support your business needs, without the cost and potential disruption of a major upgrade. Imagine adapting to sudden market changes in days instead of months or years. Join this session to learn how customers are managing Continuous Adoption and how it has resulted in shorter time-to-value.




Jeff Erickson, Oracle America, Inc Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 103510

Imagine adopting JD Edwards product innovations that support your business needs, without the cost and potential disruption of a major upgrade. Imagine adapting to sudden market changes in days instead of months or years. Join this session to learn how customers are managing Continuous Adoption and how it has resulted in shorter time-to-value.

Jeff Erickson, Oracle America, Inc

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session ID: 103730

Do you want to master simple, effective change control in your JDE? Join our session and choose the path to change control that you want. We’ve prepared different roads to achieve it: the highway with the most important change controls, the road with the views that’s the most practical change controls and the Formula 1 circuit to test your changes. The unique ALLOut toolset allows you to pick & tailor your path to effective change control. Join us to empower your JDE Security & Compliance journey today!

Presented by Irene Gomez, ALLOut Security 

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 4/29/21

Presented at INFOCUS Envision 2021

Session Id: 101440

JD Edwards E1 Fixed Assets is a robust product that provides not only the ability to track and depreciate your company's assets, but also serves as the foundation for other related modules such as Service and Warranty Management or Equipment and Plant Maintenance.

Frequently Fixed Asset duties get assigned to a staff accountant who can become quickly overwhelmed with the differences in functionality and the intricacies of Fixed Assets accounting vs. General Ledger accounting.

This review will discuss the JD Edwards Fixed Assets system as a true Subledger and its unique features. Common misunderstandings, its unique architecture and functionality will be detailed in terms of the differences accounting personnel will need to be aware of in their day to day work.


The discussion will start by providing an overview of JD Edwards Fixed Assets as a stand-alone ledger and why is it unique in the financial suite in JD Edwards.

Here we will touch on the most important concepts accountants need to grasp when starting work in JD Edwards Fixed Assets for the first time. The discussion will center on how working in Fixed Asset differs from General Ledger or Cost Accounting on a

This section will focus on real world examples of where common accounting logic can go tragically wrong in the Fixed Assets world. The use of common General Ledger accounting tasks & processes can lead to bad results and integrity issues unless the u

David Cutler, KS2 Technologies, Inc.