Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

If you are using embedded BIP, I am sure you know some of what it can do. But did you know you can you can define your printers based on xml data or that you can save the output to a specific location? What about creating a "template" to store all your logos, addresses, terms and conditions and signatures and retrieving that information based on xml data being passed from the template being used by your UBE? That's right, store this in 1 place and let your UBE template dynamically pass xml data to retrieve the right information to use! No more updating multiple tempates when you have a logo, address, T&C or signature change!

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Advanced Preferences are your key to making a rule set for individual sales order lines based on who you're selling to, what you're selling, how you're selling it, and where you're selling it from. They provide some of the most flexible sales order controls, and yet are under-utilized in most Sales Order Management solutions. This session will take a look at the basics of setup, and showcase some simple and innovative ways to apply Advanced Preferences to real world business scenarios, including:

- generating export documents

- allocating inventory based on customer lot date requirements

- supporting promotional payment terms and pricing

- improving inquiry in P4210 / P42101

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Implementing ACH processing is easy, right? Not necessarily, but using the JDE tools it doesn't have to lead to migraines! In this session we will go over our ACH implementation using (almost) no customization. This includes activating Payee Control, using BI Publisher to format and email the remittance advice and lessons learned along the way.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Anyone can build a chatbot but it takes experience and expertise to build a GOOD chatbot. Simply knowing the building blocks for building a chatbot and how to piece them together doesn't guarantee that what you build will be fit for purpose or add value to the business. You need to know the life lessons, tips, tricks, and pitfalls that can only be discovered through real-world implementations. In this theater session learn the top design tips for building digital assistants and chatbots, all learned from many live implementations.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

-Blockchain Introduction
-Key Features
-Benefits of Blockchain
-Industry-specific Blockchain Solutions
-Case Study
-Lessons Learnt
-Advantages of Blockchain Solutions

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Conversation is the most natural form of communication for humans since the dawn of time. However, interacting with computer systems such as enterprise applications and data required special user interfaces that evolved from text to graphical UI to touch. While interactions have become progressively easier, none of these mechanisms matches the simplicity of a conversational user interface. In this session see how conversational AI and speech recognition has finally matured to support effortless interaction with enterprise systems and data as it evolves to understand context and complex speech patterns. Instead of simple chatbots, digital assistants are taking over, and this session looks into the future of this space.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Is your JD Edwards imperative to business success? Can you guarantee your organization a successful recovery of your JD Edwards and complementary systems if a disaster occurs? Carolina Biological is deeply invested in Disaster Recovery. Learn how Tony Price, Director of Technology at Carolina Biological examined their risk profile, aligned with the business and demonstrated their DR readiness. This case study examines the journey to budget, ensure disaster preparedness, protect their data, perform fail-over testing for JD Edwards from start to finish with NO disruption to their business and ensure corporate compliance. Learn how they built a reliable disaster recovery solution from start to finish. Tony will share his advice on how to evaluate where your company is, what to look for, understanding your resourcing and expertise and how to develop your own strategy.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

JD Edwards customers are renowned for maintaining highly competitive enterprises and operating efficiently in markets of every size and every geography. Operating efficiently means keeping operational costs low, including technology costs, while driving innovation. Are you interested in achieving tangible business benefits with an extraordinarily low total cost of ownership? Join us to learn how JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Server Manager, the nerve center for administration, provides JD Edwards customers with solutions that preserve their traditional high-value/low-TCO value proposition of running JD Edwards by proactively managing, effectively monitoring, and easily diagnosing faults in a wide range of JD Edwards components throughout your system.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Hear from a panel comprised of members from the project team, including Phibro, Velocity and Circular Edge how teamwork and collaboration made this project a success. Learn about how Phibro Animal Health Corporation upgraded their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment from 9.1 to 92 - and moved to the public cloud on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Hear about efficiency and performance benefits that helped this company to save money and improve service levels to internal users.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Ever had trouble reviewing a JDE Payroll Journal Entry or figuring out what Payroll AAIs are needed for new PDBAs or taxes? This session sheds light on common components for these pieces and describes how they relate to each other.