Tag: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

CTB Inc., a leading global designer, manufacturer and marketer of agricultural systems and solutions is now prepared for the dreaded IT Audit on JD Edwards Security. IT security audits have always been dreaded, at best. We ask ourselves which SoD will be the target this time? Did we miss a level of risk even the auditors didn't think of? Did we audit and review frequently enough? This presentation is a look at CTB's journey to overcoming a lack of resources, a lack of knowledge related to true security risks and taking advantage of a cloud based solution that solved all of these problems. This presentation will share their accomplishments in a few short months. Share how CTB was able to reduce JDE security setup and maintenance time by implementing and monitoring the 'rules'.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Are you struggling with your address book management? Do you have duplicates, uncontrolled address formats, need to limit who can enter what data, or need a process to notify others of changes? In this session we'll review how you can use the latest application functionality and personalization frameworks to get the control you need.

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 7/06/20

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

You made it to 9.2, and you took a deep sigh of relief that you don’t have to go through that again. But is that true? This presentation will look at what it takes to live in a continuous delivery support model where Updates, ESU’s, Tools, Middleware, OS’es and Hardware releases are regularly putting your system out of date.

The fact is JD Edwards is continuing to expand and new functionality is being added through Continuous Adoption and Delivery. The 9.2 that came out of the box is quite different than the 9.2 of today. Staying Current is a momentous task, but this presentation will discuss how to layout a manageable plan to be “near” current by using a regular mini-upgrade approach.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

When creating Cost Code Structures using the JD Edward's Job Cost module, it’s important to understand how to design your work breakdown structures to allow for visibility to specific cost details, as well as to best utilize the integration to other modules, such as Procurement, HR/Payroll, Equipment, etc. Join us as we discuss various ways to design Cost Code Structures in JDE to best fit your company's projects, as well as how to take advantage of standard integration with other key modules to get the most detailed cost information. Last, we will discuss the immediate Next Steps for you to begin to design effective Cost Code Structures in JDE. This class is essential for all Project Managers who want to better control their project costs!

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Sucess of Organzation is depends on Strong supply managment chain and have a strong Vendor and Supplier to support the Enteprise. It is very imporant to define End to End Business process coverage for supplier and Vendor process in the system It need extend strong backbone your apps with Procument cloud to achive the supplier on-boarding, monotring, evlauation.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Join ACBM Solutions as we show you how to leverage Groovy Scripts to read and write data to external databases, create custom business logic, and modify orchestration output. In this session, attendees will get exposure to real world customer use cases that require Groovy scripts to complete their Orchestrations and deliver a comprehensive end-to-end solution.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Listen to and learn how a Northern Australian based (QLD) ports company, post failed government audit, gained unique insights into their existing security model which allowed them to be able to provide their business owners an understanding of who had access to critical master and transactional data.

This customer further leveraged the power off the back of JDE items like 21CFR11 to track and control changes on Key Master Data and JDE System tables with a layer of dashboards and reporting.

We will also look at how, at the same time, their move to a role based organisational structure was made more efficient through Analytics.

At the same time learn how this can help you prepare, particularly with reducing your technical debt, for your upgrade to 9.2 and continuously adopt as you are already on 9.2

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

In this session we will explore the main categories of Orchestrator usages and discuss some use case examples to trigger your imagination. Then we will dive a little deeper into a real world example of external inbound and outbound orchestrations. This will include an overview of the use case and how Orchestrator was used to substantially reduce the effort and improve the outcome. Key to success in external integrations is the approach used for testing and error handling

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Is your business on World or an old release of EnterpriseOne? Should your organization migrate from World or upgrade to EnterpriseOne 9.2? What platform is best suited for EnterpriseOne? Have you considered the possibilities of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure? Join this JD Edwards update to understand what our customers have considered to make these same decisions. The time is now to re-imagine the benefits of a world and a new platform after your migration.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020

Are you starting with Orchestrator?

In this session, we'll explore not the tools features itself, but what can be done with it. Many people talk about REST web services, but do you know what is it? Join this session to connect the dots on the technology underlying Orchestrator.

  • Quest Customer Learning Team
  • Recordings & Presentations
  • 7/06/20