Tag: JD Edwards World

The Importance of Keeping Your JDE Code CurrentPresented by TrissentialSession ID 101690, presented at COLLABORATE 16 Do you pay for items at the grocery store, only to leave the store without them? N

This is the audio/video capture of the 3/15/16 JDE E1 HCM SIG call.

This is the audio/video capture of the February 25, 2016 World Upgrade Consortium call, facilitated by Barb Canham.

Everything you wanted to know about BUGs- but were afraid to ask! Presented by Jim Demes, WL Gore.

This is the audio/video recording from the EAM SIG 2-11-16 call, whihc includes a Quet Update, a presentation by Scott Hollowell from AMS, and several questions from the community