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Benefits of 64-bit for JD Edwards

Many vendors are now delivering only 64-bit solutions, so customers are wondering how this will impact their JD Edwards solution. In reality, 64-bit can be delivered on 9.2 with minimal impact to 32-bit customers. Find out how 64-bit works logistically in JD Edwards and what the benefits of 64-bit are.

There are three main benefits to 64-bit:

  1. Customers can uplift at their own pace.
  2. Patches are delivered through a single ESU.
  3. There is minimal impact on development.

Customers can uplift at their own pace

Customers who want to move to 64-bit can upgrade their Pathcodes in phases and uninterested customers can simply remain at 32-bit. Enabling 64-bit is entirely optional and is only available on Applications Release 9.2

Patches are delivered through a single ESU

New ESUs will contain both 32-bit and 64-bit, so customers don’t need to choose. Existing ESUs will remain 32-bit. The Change Assistant determines bitness for customers and will deploy the correct patches.

There is minimal impact on development

JD Edwards will continue to develop in 32-bit, so customers are not being forced to move. This means that customers will have the ability to test in both 32-bit and 64-bit and build either 32-bit or 64-big packages. Installers will automatically handle all registering and deployment will be based on bitness.

Learn More

To learn more about how 64-bit will impact your JD Edwards and what products will lose 32-bit support, check out the full presentation below.