Presented at BLUEPRINT 4D 2022
Title: Trash the paper! Streamline the process of approving and loading faculty overloads into Peoplesoft
Session ID: 102020
With an ever growing telework presence across a large geographic area, The Kentucky Community and Technical College System recognized the need to streamline the paper process utilized to approve faculty overloads and submit them to payroll for payment. In a joint effort the Technology Solutions, Human Resources and Payroll departments worked cooperatively to develop a robust electronic form within the existing ERP system PeopleSoft. The new electronic form allows for a restricted group of end users to submit request electronically and then the request flows through a series of required and custom electronic approvers. The form has intelligence built in to help prevent errors and allows for payroll to upload payments directly into the payroll system. The new electronic form has decreased time required for approval and data processing, it has increased accuracy and improved reporting capabilities.