Ideal Candidate Outline
Quest has established the following ideal candidate profile for Quest Board of Directors service. Each year, the Quest Nominating Committee reviews the ideal candidate profile to identify attributes and qualities to be prioritized for the upcoming term based on an analysis of the make-up of the current board.
User Community Leadership, Professional Experience and Personal Perspective
- Exhibits the desire and ability to serve; for example, by participating within a council, advisory board, user group or industry groups. This experience does not have to pertain to Quest or to Oracle (i.e., CIO Executive Council, Society for Information Management, etc.).
- Has an established network within his/her industry.
- Has the respect of his/her peers.
User and Product Advocacy
- Demonstrates high level of understanding of Oracle’s product ecosystem.
- Wants to work cooperatively with Oracle (partnership for mutual success).
- Understands and exhibits the ability to communicate diplomatically.
Strategic Thinking
- Knows the impact of a decision, both inside and outside of his/her normal area of responsibility.
- Can consider issue(s) and understand the impact across businesses and groups and can tailor a response/action plan that takes all issues into account.
- Can provide guidance without giving instruction.
- Can see the “big picture.”
Effective Communication
- Possesses experience in public speaking.
- Experience in facilitation (cooperative working with groups).
- Demonstrates the ability to mesh groups together to achieve success.
- Has the capacity to practice proper communication skills without blaming others.
Leadership/Team Building
- Has demonstrated an understanding of the value of corporate involvement in user group activities.
- Self-recognition of his/her role within a team.
- Carries the agenda of the organization. Doesn’t cling to a personal agenda or specific area of interest. Puts the agenda of the organization first.
- Understands that his/her idea or preferred solution may not be in the best interest of the organization and can follow the team on their decision.
- Experience leading and dealing with budgets.
- Has the ability to predict how things can impact in the future and can communicate those ideas and can predict the path needed to reach this imagined future state.
- Has the ability to share a vision and help others gain understanding an appreciation for that vision.
- Has the ability to stay forward looking.
2025 Specific Considerations
The 2025 Nominating Committee has reviewed and discussed priorities related to this year’s recruitment for candidate outreach. From a product/industry perspective and prioritization of skills/experience needed, the following ideal candidate profile was established due to changing environments and business focus for Term 2026-2028.
Product Priorities: Cloud-based products/solutions, making the transition.
- Other products have a stronger representation on the board at this time, however, would consider the right candidate.
Industry Priorities: Open
- Works in an industry that has had to evolve, requiring agility and transformation.
- Has experience with products evolving (hybrid/cloud).
- Demonstrated contributions toward businesses’ digital transformation, moving ahead.
- Has demonstrated the ability to pivot quickly due to market pressures.
- Has a passion and recognition of importance of user groups.