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Cloud ERP Customer Shares Oracle Cloud ERP Journey at BLUEPRINT 4D

Cloud ERP Customer Shares Oracle Cloud ERP Journey at BLUEPRINT 4D

James McBride is a Financial Systems Manager at Voya Financial.  He has over 15 years of experience working as a Financial Systems professional.  While James has worked across a variety of platforms, he has focused on Oracle Cloud ERP for the last 6+ years.  James also is a member of the Oracle Cloud ERP and SCM James SIG Board.  In May 2023, James presented one of the top attended customer-led Cloud ERP sessions at this year’s BLUEPRINT 4D Conference in Dallas, TX!  His session, Oracle Cloud ERP: A journey: not a destination, sought to answer the question: What do you wish you had known before beginning your Cloud ERP journey.  While many people expect the transition from an on-premise solution to Cloud to be hectic and full of learning, this is just the beginning.  James shared tips and lesson-learned that are still helpful after the transition to Cloud Applications.  James hopes that attendees learned from his session and took away that when working with Oracle Cloud ERP, Change Management is an ongoing organizational-wide activity that doesn’t stop after go-live.

If you missed James’s session at the conference, you can watch the recording here: Oracle Cloud ERP: A journey: not a destination.

BLUEPRINT 4D Highlights

In addition to his own session, we asked James to highlight which BLUEPRINT 4D session, he found to be most informative.  Here were his top picks:

1. Strategies in Change Management Utilizing Oracle Guided Learning, presented by Anastashia Alfred-Waller, Baylor University

In this session Anastashia shared Baylor’s change management strategy and how they utilize Oracle Guided Learning to carry them out.

James says that this session was extremely informative about the different features available with Oracle Guided Learning (OGL).  James appreciated hearing about his favorite OGL feature that allows for the ability to require users to take particular courses depending on their roles and access within the Cloud ERP system.

You can view the recording of this session here: Strategies in Change Management Utilizing Oracle Guided Learning.

2. Defining the Future of Procurement, presented by Erin Sun, Oracle

In this session, Erin shared the new Procurement solutions and enhancements that offer new capabilities to enable leaders to be more strategic, agile, and resilient.  Attendees were able to learn how upcoming improvements to sourcing, contracting, and self-service procurement could help enhance user-experience, increase efficiency and visibility, minimize risk, and help strengthen their procurement organization.

James says he found this session very helpful and informative so that he can keep up with the Procurement applications and best practices.

You can view the recording of this session here: Defining the Future of Procurement.

BLUEPRINT 4D Key Takeaways

In addition to sharing his knowledge with other customers and attending the sessions mentioned above at BLUEPRINT 4D, James noted that his most valuable takeaway from the conference was knowing that there is a growing community of professionals in the Oracle Cloud ERP space that share common experiences.  He noted that the community is willing to help one another with day-to-day challenges.

For a full list of Oracle Cloud ERP sessions and recordings at BLUEPRINT 4D, check out the BLUEPRINT 4D Event Hub on the Quest website.

BLUEPRINT 4D is back in Dallas in 2024, May 7th – 10th.  Don’t forget to save the date so you can attend in-person next year!