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Adventures in Migrating a Legacy Database to Oracle Cloud

Presented at INSYNC 21

Session ID: 100440

It seemed so simple—migrate a relatively small legacy database from DB2 to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. Nobody knew the dark secrets this database was hiding before the SOW was signed and the project was underway, but by then it was too late! Follow along as a well-planned project grows from unassuming and ordinary into a monster, devouring everything in its path and tossing aside timelines! A twisting tale, full of wrong turns and peril, heroes and villains, challenge, failure, ultimately ending with... Wait, you didn't think I'd give away the ending, did you?

This session is not a reference or a how-to. It's more of a what-not-to-do, reflecting and laughing (in hindsight) at a series of unfortunate circumstances and mistakes. It's a set of lessons in resilience and determination. It's about overcoming technical obstacles and human objections, and leveraging the tools and features in OCI so they all lived... Well, let's not spoil things!

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