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Tag: JD Edwards

In 9.2, Oracle introduced a new storage option for JDE attachments. I

This JDE E1 Tech SIG round table will concentrate on the System Administration and Security Administration tools offered by JDE with Enterprise One. We will take enhancement requests. Come join us for this Quest SIG meeting!

These meetings of the Technology SIG are for gathering enhancement requests for Oracle's E1 Tools and Technology.

The JDE E1 Tech SIG presents this round table for discussion, sharing of solutions and gathering of enhancement requests.

Feeling overwhelmed by UDOs? Are your users asking for the latest 9.2 functionality?

As change is the new normal, JD Edwards continues to deliver transformational capabilities with each Tools release. How do you keep up with what is new with each Tools release? This session highlights key features that have been delivered in previous Tools releases and how customers are leveraging these features. We'll showcase what is new in the latest releases of JD Edwards Tools and provide insight into how future Tools releases will continue to accelerate your transformation to a digital business.

With 17+ years of Developer Experience, I'd like to share a few new things I've learned recently. I'll try to amaze with tricks, traps and wonders that may not have been presented before.

Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc recently upgraded their JD Edwards Tools to the latest version and as an extension of this, explored the ESUs needed to be code current.

It's a tough call communicating ROI benefits for IT projects to business leaders , when their industry is not Information Technology.