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2024 Hispanic Heritage Month

As we step into Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrate the rich history, culture, and contributions of the Hispanic and Latinx communities in shaping our world. At Quest, we recognize that diversity is not just about acknowledging differences—it is about celebrating them, understanding their value, and integrating them into the fabric of our innovation and community.

The tech industry thrives on creativity, perseverance, and the drive to challenge the status quo—qualities that have been embodied by countless Hispanic and Latinx leaders. From pioneers like Luis von Ahn, co-creator of CAPTCHA and Duolingo, to Sophia Rodriguez and Carlos Gutiérrez, who have driven forward-thinking leadership in Fortune 500 companies, the contributions of Hispanic innovators are deeply woven into the technological advancements we benefit from today.

These leaders have not only paved the way for future generations but have also shown the world that innovation knows no bounds. Their stories remind us that talent, ingenuity, and hard work can overcome barriers and lead to groundbreaking achievements.

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, let us take the time to reflect on the incredible contributions of Hispanic and Latinx individuals to the tech industry and beyond. Let’s honor their legacy by continuing to build a more inclusive, diverse, and innovative future.

This month serves the perfect time to get out and get involved and support the Hispanic community. There are many options to support such as engaging in events that support the community, like attending festivals, or attending virtual events. However, you can even take it a step further and support and donate to organizations that supports and engages the Hispanic community.

Notable Organizations supporting Hispanics in Tech:

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) is dedicated to empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development. Founded to address the lack of Hispanic representation in STEM fields, SHPE now forms a nationwide network of students and professionals committed to increasing diversity and inclusion.

Techqueria is a nonprofit serving the largest global community of Latino professionals in tech with a mission of empowering and supporting their advancement in the tech industry. More than seventeen thousand members have access to connect through its Slack community, attend free events and workshops, and consume the organization’s bimonthly email newsletter.

TechLatino serves as a pivotal community for Latino technology professionals, businesses, and students across the US. It focuses on inspiring, educating, and offering actionable solutions to bridge the digital divide within the Latino culture. TechLatino is committed to fostering innovation and advancement through workshops, seminars, leadership summits, and a career center, aiming to develop the next generation of tech professionals and leaders.

These organizations offer a range of resources for Hispanic professionals in tech, from networking and mentorship to leadership development and job opportunities. Supporting or joining one or more of these organizations could provide valuable support and connections in the tech industry.

At Quest, we celebrate our members in the Hispanic and Latinx community, today and every day!

2024 Hispanic Heritage Month