Tag: Oracle Cloud Applications

Nov 11

Cloud Week: Game Changers

Conferences & Digital Events

Quest shows how Oracle Journeys can provide personalized guidance to support employees through professional and personal workflows, all with one user experience.

Quest shows organizations how to create robust applications that enhance workflow automation and facilitate data entry through Oracle Visual Builder.

During a panel discussion, representatives from Choctaw Nation shared their journey of implementing their new ERP and HCM systems, reflecting on the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of their Oracle implementation, and the lessons they learned along the way.

This discussion with Bruno Binkley and Betsie Reynolds centers around navigating the Cloud and how Oracle Cloud has profound implications for businesses.

Hear from Baylor University how they diversified their new employee journey experience to ensure all new employees are set up for long-term success.

Hear from Baylor University how they diversified their FMLA journey experience to ensure those needing extended medical leave have the tools they need when they need them.

Hear from Baylor University how they diversified their journey experience to give applicants, employees, retirees, and those leaving the organization a customized step-by-step iterative process designed for success.

Hear from Baylor University how they diversified their exit journey experience to gain knowledge on their processes for continuous improvement.

Hear from Baylor University how they diversified their affirmative action journey experience to ensure consistency of their message and plans.