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Get Started with JD Edwards Composed EnterpriseOne Pages

As part of Quest Experience Week—JD Edwards Day, Kimberly Jacot from The Anschutz Corporation (TAC), spoke about the company’s use of Composed EnterpriseOne Pages and images.

About the Anschutz Corporation

The Anschutz Corporation was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. They have grown organically through various acquisitions. Anschutz Entertainment Group, Anschutz Exploration Corporation, Xanterra Parks and Resorts, Walden Media, and the Anschutz Foundation are some of the many holdings of TAC. Businesses are located in the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Their JD Edwards environment has over 450 defined legal entities and is deployed in seven different time zones. They support nine different fiscal periods and have over 30 different Accounting Departments with over 400 financial module users. TAC is currently on JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.2 and Tools Within their system, TAC utilizes several different User Defined Object (UDO) types, but their presentation focused on EnterpriseOne Composed Pages and Images.

Adding and Managing Content

To help users more easily identify what they are working with, the sections and schemas are color-coded and have collapsible sections and provided images. Composing and modifying pages is an extremely user-friendly process. To create or modify a page, the proper features need to be enabled and security must be granted. Once these have been enabled, the user will be able to see three UDOs—Composed Pages, Classic Pages, and Images—under Manage Content.

When creating content, the “+” icon is meant for adding content and the gear icon is for modifying content. When managing and creating content, users have the option to use automatic images or create custom images. When creating images, users must create the image originally as a .png or .bmp. TAC used a freeware called Junior Icon Editor that is easy to use and allows users to quickly modify existing images and create new ones.

UDO Management

UDO Management requires careful thought around who to grant permissions for adding, changing, publishing, and sharing UDOs. UDO Management also entails defining your UDO process regarding where UDOs will be created and advanced to all environments. UDOs do not use the developer toolset; therefore, UDO Management provides a shorter development lifecycle because the package build and deployment process is not needed.

UDOs are managed via the Object Management Workbench-Web (OMW-Web) application (P98220W). From OMW-Web, you will create new projects, add users to projects, add UDOs to projects, check out, check in, and advance the project status to other Path Codes.

Publishing Your Work

After creating your UDOs, you’ll need to publish them in order to share your work and make it public. Publishing UDOs is done via the Web Client. Once you have saved your content, you will have your own copy of the UDO under your Personal folder. After saving, you will also see that the option to publish is enabled if you have the proper security.

Once the request to publish has been made, an entry will exist in the UDO Management application (P98220U). From here, the UDO Administrator has options to preview, approve/share, reject, work with attachments and other advanced options. Approving and sharing UDO content results in a status change to the UDO. The content will now be available to users with a minimum of view access. Additional security setup at the user/role level may be needed at this point.

When UDO content is set to a rework status, the UDO will show under a subheading noted as rework. Whether you are reworking a UDO or modifying a previously approved and shared UDO, highlight the UDO you wish to modify and then click on the Reserve icon. Additional security setup may be needed to allow users/roles to view UDOs. This is done through the UDO Management application (P98220U).

If you want to improve your user experience and increase user engagement, UDOs are in your future. With UDOs, users are more engaged with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and have a greater understanding of the business process in their respective departments.

Get Started with JD Edwards Composed EnterpriseOne Pages