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Enhance Your HCM Operations with Regression and Automated Testing

Optimizing your HCM operations through regression testing and automated testing is a game-changer for efficiency and reliability. Before diving in, it’s crucial to understand what regression testing entails and how automation can save your business time, money, and unnecessary stress. Here, we address common questions about regression testing and offer a blueprint for successful implementation.

What is Regression Testing?

Regression testing involves systematically testing the Oracle application after updates to ensure that existing functionalities remain unaffected. This traditionally manual process requires a thorough examination of the application to catch any discrepancies.

Preparing for Regression Testing

Historically, best practices for testing during implementation included systematic testing at every project phase, such as User Acceptance Testing (UAT) or System Integration Testing (SIT). These tests became the standard use cases for new updates. However, regression testing needs have evolved.

Effective Regression Testing Process

  1. Identify Critical Processes: Determine the essential processes your organization needs to function effectively, such as payroll, benefits, hiring, and standard workflows.
  2. Consider Various Testing Scenarios: This includes worker flows, interfaces, reporting, and extracts. Running payroll in a staging environment before updates, during rollbacks, and after updates is crucial.
  3. Create a Repository: Maintain a repository of manual testing scenarios, or regression scripts, to be updated as your application evolves.

Blueprint for Regression Testing Oracle Quarterly Updates

Oracle partner Opkey has developed a comprehensive blueprint for regression testing quarterly updates, encapsulated in the acronym CARD:

  • C – Coverage: Identify your most used business processes, realistic datasets based on production data, security requirements, critical integrations, and standard/custom reports.
  • A – Assess Risk: Evaluate changes in the upcoming release, objects and transactions at risk, security roles, GEOS impact, and the effects of new features.
  • R – Regression Testing: Execute a sanity test on Day 1, prepare test data, and run tests based on risk profiles. Conduct full regression tests if time allows, and manage daily defect triaging.
  • D – Documentation: Ensure comprehensive test documentation, audit-specific documentation, and coverage of all identified risks. Update test cases and datasets based on findings and share insights across the company.

Opkey's blueprint for regression testing.

Transition to Automated Testing

Before automating your manual tests, ensure you have a detailed and standardized manual testing process. Key areas to cover include planning, execution, regression, defect management, reporting outcomes, re-testing, and managing updates and impacts.

What is Automated Testing?

Automated testing involves running tests automatically, managing test data, and utilizing results to enhance software quality. Here are three compelling reasons to adopt automated testing:

  1. Reproducible Results: Automated testing ensures consistency, completeness, and elimination of human error.
  2. Scalability & Comprehensiveness: Easily add scenarios, conduct negative tests, sequence tests, and schedule executions with detailed documentation.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Increased efficiency and reduced manual efforts lead to significant cost savings.

Typical Testing Scenarios

Automated testing is ideal for:

  • Cloud SaaS: Monthly or quarterly updates
  • JD Edwards: ESUs and code current events
  • Projects: Test cycles (CRP, IST, UAT, etc.)

Building Test Automation

Test automation buildout involves setting up test scripts with detailed steps and using a data repository for multiple scenarios. Sequential tests are combined, with subsequent steps using data from prior steps.


Regression testing can be daunting, but automating the process can alleviate stress and resource strain. For more insights on automated regression testing and maintaining updates in Cloud HCM, watch the BLUEPRINT 4D presentation: Recommended practices for applying updates and taking regular maintenance in Oracle Cloud HCM.

To learn more about Opkey’s methods, watch their presentation from the 2023 Quest Cloud Week: The Essential Blueprint for Regression Testing Your Oracle Cloud Quarterly Updates.

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Enhance Your HCM Operations with Regression and Automated Testing