Tag: JD Edwards
The foundation of efficiency is automation. Nearly every advancement in technology can be somehow tied to the quest for higher levels of automation. The JD Edwards Digital Platform, anchored by Orchestrator, has its fair share of automation tools and techniques. Customers and partners have done amazing things using these tools to automate business processes. But now it's time to think about upping the stakes from process automation to enterprise automation. What would it look like if every aspect of your business operations had some level of automation? What would that mean for efficiency? Accuracy? Timeliness? But perhaps more important than the efficiency itself, what kind and what volume of data would be generated? What insights and observations could you glean from such a mountain of data - data that reflects every heartbeat of your operations? Learn more about this future - it's not far off.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
Getting Started with the REST API. Learn what your Custom Dev team expects for integrations. Whether it's validating E1 data or you deliver an immaculate Orchestration, knowing how to communicate to a dev that has no experience with E1 can be a challenge. This session is meant to help you bridge the gap, giving you the tools (API Testing Software PostMan) to help test your requests before you give them over to the custom dev team.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
Learn how Yamana Gold leveraged the use of Swift's - low code / no code app automation platform and Orchestrator to create their Mobile PO Approval application in a matter of days, helping them achieve:
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
Join this session to understand how migrating to 64-bit JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.2 can future-proof your business. Understand the technical details related to moving to 64-bit JD Edwards, best practices and considerations.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
Session ID: 101320With 20+ years of Developer Experience, I'd like to share a few new things I've learned recently. I'll try to amaze with tricks, traps, and wonders that may not have been presented before.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
Join City of Plano and ACBM Solutions as we take you on a deep dive through a complete Construction Management integration between JDE and Aurigo Masterworks using Orchestrator. We will start by discussing the business case and why this project was needed.
Then we will explore the Orchestrations that were built to make the integration work across the following areas:
• Vendors
• Purchase Orders
• Project Budgets
• Expenses
• Payments
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
After attending sessions and taking some training I realized that creating orchestrations is easy but I still kept stumbling with what do I actually do with the orchestration once I create it.
I know that you can use the form extension to create a button on a form to call an orchestration but if you want to pass in data and the data you need is not on the form, then what do you do? I have also had people talk about writing external scripts or web pages and using the orchestrations from there. That is all great, but I am not a full-fledged programmer so how can I use what I have and know in JDE to make my orchestrations work for me? It has been a long road, and I have learned a lot about the next steps to take to actually get an orchestration to work within JDE and I wanted to share my experience.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
Use case of optimizing JD Edwards E1 Accounts Payable processing leveraging native JD Edwards technology. The story on how Franklin Electric converted from manual paper-based vendor invoice processing to a fully digitized process in EnterpriseOne. Including the implementation lessons learned, the efficiencies and benefits that come with template free OCR document processing, automated approval workflows extended on mobile and invoice 2 and 3 way matching. A customers journey to AP efficiency.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
System administrators can now apply their application patches anywhere, anytime and from any device using the web-based JDE update manager. Join this session to know more on how this removes the dependency on deployment server, while making it convenient and simple for administrators.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23
Stopping fraud & satisfying audit is simple to say, but not so easy to deliver. Are you an accountant, internal auditor, or finance officer responsible for JD Edwards audit activities or your control environment? Each year the need to decrease risk while delivering consistent information, reducing efforts and developing repeatable processes just seems to be more imperative. Whether you want to reduce risk, ensure regulatory compliance, or adhere to internal policies - there are ways to save time without compromising your deliverables.
- Learn best practices for pre-audit preparation
- Review the key information auditors will review
- See Tools to Automate Reporting Consistently
- Recordings & Presentations
- 8/01/23