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Driving Business Value Through the Digital Transformation of Financials

Shelby Klingerman, Content Curator |

In today’s digital age, innovation and transformation are key to maintaining a thriving business. Karen Brown, Senior Principal Product Manager, and Greg Becker, Senior Principal Applications Engineer, spoke at INFOCUS 18 about features that are available in today’s JD Edwards that can help organizations transform key business processes within Financials. Digitally transforming these business processes will empower organizations to conquer today’s challenges and thrive in the digital business economy.

Get an Overview

To start, it’s important to understand the definition of digital transformation. It is the change associated with the application of digital technology to radically improve the performance or reach of an enterprise. In terms of digitally transforming Financials, JD Edwards remains the core of the transformation. In addition to your core JD Edwards, you also have access to tools that can transform your business processes. Orchestrator, Notifications, chat bots, Cloud, Blockchain, and so many others are tools that can help you extend and transform your JD Edwards.

It’s time to unleash the power of your JD Edwards ERP to transform you Financials processes. This will allow you to automate manual, redundant, time consuming activities. You could all compress processes through system self-monitoring and self-management. You’ll be able to enable no code, low code extensions. It’s important to take these actions to keep your business thriving in the digital age of today’s workforce. There are several tools that already in exist within JD Edwards that can help you take on this transformation, and you can make big impacts on your business by utilizing them.

UX One and Personalization

JD Edwards UX One gives you control over the user experience. Users can now make their experience unique to the way that they work through personalization and configuration. There are 50+ roles that are delivered for rapid deployment in UX One that are meant to serve as templates for users. The expectation is not that they will perfectly meet all needs as delivered. The idea is that users will be able to personalize and configure the roles after deploying them to meet their individual needs.

The UX One Role-Based Landing Pages follow the Alert, Analyze, Act paradigm design that allows users to quickly and easily monitor important information through analytics and then navigate to source applications to quickly take action. Of the 52 roles that are available now in UX One, there are several that are applicable to Financials—Accounts Payable Manager, Accounts Receivable Manager, Asset Manager, Collection Manager, Credit Manager, General Accounting Manager, Lessee Accounting Manager, and Lease Administrator.


EnterpriseOne Notifications help users stay connected and act fast whether at their desk or on the move. They can serve a variety of purposes like providing simple information, alerting you when action is required, showing you when an exception to a rule is met, sending important reminders, and helping users become more proactive instead of reactive. Notifications can be delivered through email, text message, “The Bell” within your JD Edwards User Interface, or through a web browser pop-up. The beauty is that users can receive notifications without being actively logged into their JD Edwards system.

There are 35 pre-configured notifications that can be used out-of-the-box or easily personalized. A few examples of delivered notifications within Financials include overdue payments and invoices, delinquency notices to approve, customers over their credit limit, and account balance errors.

EnterpriseOne Search

EnterpriseOne Search is a simple, yet powerful way to find and act on interrelated data. It allows you to search across any combination of master and transaction data, so there is no need to build specific reports or search through multiple applications. It is also easily configurable by your Citizen Developers. From search, you can view related information and jump straight into different actions that are related to your search item.

One View Reporting

One View provides users with real-time reporting and analytics, financial statements, and Watchlist alerts. These reports are easy to create and design to fit your requirements. From a Financials perspective, there are two aspects of One View Reporting—One View for Financials and One View Financial Statements. Another benefit of One View Reporting is that you can build reports and then share them with others because it’s a User Defined Object (UDO).

One View Reporting in Financials can help you easily create personalized reports about your financial data, tie together attributes of different accounts, business units, customers and suppliers to related transactions or balances, enhance real-time decision making, and decrease the organization’s overall cost of reporting. In addition, One View Financial Statements empowers your staff through an easy-to-use UI that allows users to create statements with data visualization in several formats and run or view statements quickly through self-service applications.

Mobile Solutions

Mobile applications for Financials include Customer Account Overview, Contact Customer, Contact Supplier, Expense Entry, Expense Approval, and Batch Approvals for G/L, Vouchers and Payments, and Invoices and Receipts. These mobile applications are accessible on both a tablet and a phone.


Orchestrator is one of the tools within JD Edwards that can help you automate business processes. Automating these microservices cut down the time that users spend on manual, tedious actions. The foundation for Orchestrator is the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne AIS Server. The AIS Server runs JD Edwards applications in the background, and Orchestrator processes orchestrations saved to the AIS Server to transfer real-time data between EnterpriseOne and third-party applications and devices.

Orchestrations can be created by Business Analysts and are simple to create and run. The paradigm of Alert, Analyze, Act in UX One has been reimagined as Detect, Decide, Do for Orchestrator. JD Edwards and other external systems can no detect a problem, decide what to do about it, and do what needs to be done. An example of using Orchestrator within Financials would be creating an Orchestration to automate the approval of all machine-generated G/L Batches.

Driving Business Value Through the Digital Transformation of Financials