Temple University Health System's Innovative Use of Fluid UI
Posted by Harry E Fowler
- Last updated 11/11/20
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In 2020, Temple University Health System was recognized as a PeopleSoft Innovator for its use of PeopleSoft’s Fluid user interface (UI) to provide employees access to electronic job descriptions. The team at Temple Health ultimately believes that higher employee engagement leads to higher patient satisfaction.
During Quest Forum Digital Event: PeopleSoft Week, Temple’s own Stephanie McNeil, Bret Huntington, and Lee Hasselbach joined forces to discuss this enhancement and other changes they have made to help drive employee engagement since their upgrade to 9.2.
About Temple University Health System
Temple Health is a major Philadelphia-based academic health system that is driving medical advances through clinical innovation, pioneering research, and world-class education. The health system’s 1,000 physicians and scientists share a common mission of bringing tomorrow’s treatments to the bedside today—helping them achieve outcomes once thought impossible.
Temple Health has 1,020 licensed beds, 10,000+ faculty members and employees, 980 medical and graduate students, and was named the No. 1 lung transplant center in the U.S. by volume in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Temple Health has been using PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) since 2009. During the upgrade to 9.2, Temple Health upgraded both HCM and Enterprise Learning Management (ELM). The drivers behind upgrading HCM and ELM systems were to maintain support and enable newly available functionality.
With Fluid UI, Temple Health is able to take advantage of the new tile-based UI, which provides intuitive access. The layout dynamically adjusts to the size of your screen, which makes it easier to use on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet.
Change Management
To make the upgrade go smoothly, Temple Health updated training materials for Employee Self Service and Manager Self Service and implemented a HELP tile for easy navigation to the new guides. In addition, the team developed communication plans that included leadership presentations, employee publications, manager meetings known as “coffee talks,” and emails.
The theme of the upgrade was “Fly, Eagles, Fly!”
PeopleSoft 9.2 and Fluid UI provided Temple Health with the tools needed to deliver and be a catalyst for improved employee engagement. Temple Health HRIS and IT achieved their “Everyone Leads” goals after the upgrade to PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 in May 2018. In June 2018, new performance evaluations were rolled out with Temple’s Learning and Development Team with a goal-based “Everyone Leads” emphasis.
Temple Health’s Use of Fluid UI
New Performance Evaluation Process
The goal for the new performance evaluations was to drive change and engagement using PeopleSoft ePerformance to focus on the “We Perform” initiative in PeopleSoft 9.2. Temple limited costs and improved engagement at Temple Health as a whole and within IT and HRIS with Fluid UI.
Temple Health partnered with WorkStrategy to develop these new performance evaluations.
The performance process includes several checkpoints, document finalization, review of goals, core values, Temple Health’s “Everyone Leads” method, a learning and overall summary, and more.
Each section is weighted, and the Goals section is weighted at 50 percent.
Cascading Goals
Thanks to a customization developed by WorkStrategy, managers can cascade their goals to their direct reports. Managers can select goals from a document or from the goals library. To cascade forward to a direct report, managers can select an individual’s name or job code. A goal must first be entered in their own evaluation before they can push the goal to an employee’s review.
Managers simply need to:
- Select goals from their evaluation
- Choose whether to cascade goals by direct reports or job code
- Select either direct reports or job codes of your direct reports – goals will be moved to their evaluations
Online Job Descriptions
Online job descriptions were one of the features that got Temple Health recognized as a PeopleSoft Innovator. By using Fluid UI, employees and managers can view online job descriptions that are maintained in the job profiles. Compensation ensures that job descriptions are maintained using job profiles. This innovation replaced copying job descriptions for HR access in SharePoint and distribution by HR. In the past, these descriptions were not accessible to employees. Managers can also now view direct and indirect reports.
During performance reviews, there is a section for job description review. The question asks, “Was the job description reviewed?” The description asks the employee to certify that their manager reviewed the job description with them as part of the evaluation process.
Online job descriptions help drive performance on the employee end because they now have access to the document at their fingertips, so they are able to clearly see what is expected of them. Part of Temple Health’s performance evaluations includes rating employees on their ability to perform their job, and if they are not aware of what is expected of them, they cannot perform their jobs to the best of their ability. On the manager end, having access to the job descriptions for their employees helps with compliance, performance expectations, and recruitment.
Employees can view their job descriptions in Employee Self Service on the Job Details tile. Managers can view job descriptions for their employees in Manager Self Service on the Reports tile. Managers can see their employee’s names, employee ID, job code, job title, department ID, and more.
Self Service
Changes in IT and HRIS drive efficiency and change with Temple Health’s new “Everyone Leads” model to use the tools the PeopleSoft 9.2 delivers and drive process changes from paper to online. Online new hire Benefits Enrollment and Supplemental Retirement were implemented.
Organization Chart
One of Temple Health’s beloved features is their Corporate Directory Organization Charts. New employees can learn the organization with org charts. They also provide easy access for managers to view their own org chart. These charts assist with data integrity, which is important during times of restructuring. Temple Health encourages managers to frequently check org charts. With Elasticsearch, they can easily find a name, position number, department, etc. One tip would be to use * for a partial search. Temple’s Corp Directory Tile is under Employee and Manager Self Service.
Managing your team from org charts means easy access to your direct and indirect reports. Managers can view job details, access performance evaluations, and enter terminations. They provide a quick view for data integrity and details to assist with position management. Managers at Temple Health find it easier to use than My Team.
It feels important to call out that the Temple Health team ended their presentation by thanking each of the Temple Health staff members who have worked tirelessly to care for and support patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Temple is handling more COVID cases than any other hospital in the region, and that dedication to the community has not gone unnoticed.
Check out Temple University Health System’s presentation from Quest Forum Digital Event: PeopleSoft Week to learn more about their experience with Fluid UI.
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