Tag: AWS
2021 QXW
You have finally moved your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne into AWS. Find out what some of the next steps you should be pursuing to maximize the impact of your cloud solution. Get the most out of your AWS cloud solution. Utilize tools to enable automation and digital transformation in your ERP solution. These tools empower you to lower your total cost of ownership and deliver key functionality, such as data lakes, to your business without adding a lot of staff.
Presented by Allen Jacot, Solution Architect, Syntax
- Recordings & Presentations
- 12/09/21
Presented at Quest Experience Week (QXW) – Cloud Day
Join me in this starter guide to setting up and maintaining your Absence Module. In this session, we will focus on gathering your information and setting up your plans. We will include troubleshooting, validating, and watching for “gotchas.” We’ll also touch base on payroll and OTBI Reporting as it relates to Absence.
Fenner Precision Polymers needed to upgrade their tools release for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. The organization recognized the opportunity to upgrade and migrate to the public cloud simultaneously. After successfully making the migration from private cloud to Amazon Web Services, Fenner was able to achieve reduced costs, increased scalability, and improved support. This session will provide a case study on the business drivers, considerations, planning, and risk mitigation steps that must be considered when making a move to the public cloud.
- Recordings & Presentations
- 12/09/20
EASYPay is PCI Validated & Oracle OVI Certified used by dozens of JDE F500 & SMB companies worldwide. No “PCI Scope” or “Cardholder Data” – Utilizes Cybersecurity Approaches like Payment Gateway Hosted Page with Vault/Tokenization, P2P Encryption & Customer Created Payment Profiles Utilizing Automated Intelligent Emails Functionality: AWS Cloud SaaS or On-Prem JDE P4210/P421010…
- Webinars
Cloud migration is a journey. Migration projects need to be carefully planned, tested and executed and application and database performance needs to be continuously monitored to ensure ongoing success. We often hear about companies who have migrated their databases to the cloud only to find out that their monthly subscription bills are far higher than…
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 12/16/19
Cloud migration is a journey. Migration projects need to be carefully planned, tested and executed and application and database performance needs to be continuously monitored to ensure ongoing success. We often hear about companies who have migrated their databases to the cloud only to find out that their monthly subscription bills are far higher than…
- Recordings & Presentations
- 12/16/19
Cloud migration is a journey. Migration projects need to be carefully planned, tested and executed and application and database performance needs to be continuously monitored to ensure ongoing success. We often hear about companies who have migrated their databases to the cloud only to find out that their monthly subscription bills are far higher…
- Webinars
AWS engineers from the Relation Database Service (RDS) will explain what you can do to make your Oracle database licenses go farther in AWS. Virtual Machine choices can make a large difference on how far your existing licenses will take you in the cloud. There are also EC2 and RDS configuration settings that will allow…
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 4/09/19
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) automates many of the mundane administrative tasks required to run a database. However, migrating an existing database to the Cloud can be a tricky problem, often requiring an extended outage. In this session learn how you can leverage the AWS Database Migration Service to migrate your Oracle database to RDS with minimal downtime.…
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 4/03/17
Amazon Web Services Cloud offers you the ability to run your Oracle databases in a hosted, IaaS environment. A Running the Oracle Database on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is very similar to running Oracle at your data center. To a DBA or developer, there are no differences. However, there are a number of AWS platform…
- Whitepapers & presentations
- 3/21/14