Tag: Database & Technology

  Middleware continues to be the unsung hero as customers, employees and end users desire to be more mobile and stay connected longer. Added to this is a new challenge for Oracle Fusion Middleware administrators: providing services that respond to not only a click inside a web browser, but also data and events triggered by…

Are you absolutely certain you have your mix of Oracle product licenses reported and under control? If you haven't answered with a resounding "YES" to this question, then you may wish to attend this session, because you definitely want to be prepared with an accurate answer at any time, not just at a specific time…

Oracle WebCenter Content default security model is based on group membership - RBAC (Role Based Access Control) and is not sufficient to handle fine-grained authorization models where authorization decision could be on the basis of a combination of document attributes and roles. It is not aligned with the ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) model -…

Many organizations have partnered with System Integrators to deploy the out of the box WebCenter AP Imaging solution. However, partners often fail to address the pain points of these organizations that would require extending the solution, thus ending up with an incomplete implementation. This session targets business users as well as IT leaders to understand…

Find out how you can use features such as WebCenter Sites Engage to create a powerful CX for your site visitors. Create a more powerful and engaging brand perception. Start by learning terminology and concepts and then dig into real-world solutions and use cases. We will demo the contribution experience and also cover potential issues…

Eventually, every organization has to solve the problem of document exchange, especially in such tightly regulated areas as health care and government services. Many official forms must be filled out and processed exactly as mandated, preserving standards pixel by pixel. Another big issue is reporting, because end-users want very flexible customized reports without any performance…

  There are different schools of thought about the role of databases in IT. The biggest question is whether to put some (if any) business logic into database-stored code. Answers vary from “thick database approach” (put everything) to “database independence” (put nothing). In reality, the majority of existing solutions are somewhere in between.   This…

Most Oracle professionals are aware of the importance of keeping database statistics up to date. However, contrary to common knowledge, these statistics are not limited to tables, columns and indexes! PL/SQL functions also have a number of associated statistics, namely costs (CPU, I/O, network), selectivity, and cardinality (for functions that return collections). These statistics have…

Learn about the major new features planned for Oracle Application Express 5.1. These include a new Interactive Grid, ability to declaratively define master/detail/detail pages, a new charting engine, numerous improvements to Page Designer, and improved wizards for creating pages and regions.

DevOps is the collaboration between application development and IT operations. Where formerly each was walled off from the other into silos that only communicated through change requests, today's demands on IT require that everyone operate in close cooperation, and that all tasks from provisioning to coding to testing to transition into production be automated, and…