Tag: Database & Technology

Enterprise Manager is known for its database monitoring and management capabilities, but did you know you can customize the thresholds on a target based on load or time? Do you have OLTP systems with batch job windows that require more lenient thresholds? Or maybe you want to monitor performance metrics based on the normal performance…

Oracle has introduced database deployment technologies in Oracle 12c to support managed consolidated private database clouds and DBaaS deployments. This session is targeted at architects and administrators tasked to design and deploy such systems. It will review the availability and management issues such as ensuring critical services start first and go down last, workloads stay…

Learn about ASH Masters a github repository of queries against Average Active Sessions (ASH). Learn about ASH math, average active sessions and the power and pitfalls of ASH queries. ASH queries will be shown that display over database performance from on high to diving deep down into the nitty gritty of performance bottleneck's internal workings. Active…

Oracle Database 12c introduced many new features, including Oracle Multitenant and memory optimizations for greater consolidation density and faster performance. This session discusses the key new features that can help maximize database performance, enable smart capacity planning, improve data security, and provide the basis for smart and effective database administration. PowerPoint

The Oracle RDBMS is highly tuneable with many options for optimizing performance. However, the sheer quantity of tuning options can be overwhelming, and you can waste precious time unless you know which tuning activities are most likely to provide a return on your time investment.  In this presentation we’ll review ten of the fundamental Oracle…

The promise of cloud computing—greater agility, less risk, and lower costs—is real, but realizing that promise depends on the approach one adopts. Various cloud vendors offer choice and flexibility with the most comprehensive, modern, and secure portfolio of cloud products and services to meet the business needs and deliver the full benefits of cloud computing.…

Patch management is a critical and time consuming task for many database administrators. We will present our experience building the Cloud Control 12c (CC12c) infrastructure for the Health Care Quality Improvement Systems (HCQIS) of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We will focus on the lessons learned and best practices for patching Oracle…

A typical tuning session on a resource-constrained system starts with a search for "low-hanging fruit."  In a CPU-bound database system, it would be the SQL that uses CPU the most, in an I/O-bound system, the SQL doing the most physical reads, and so on. Tuning the TOP statements often allows us to free large portions…

Are you constantly wondering what is in your production environment? Do you have any doubts about what code is running? Chances are that your version control software isn't the problem. No matter what system you're using there is the ideal and there is the practice. This session is one that will help you get on…

Performance tuning can be complex. It's often hard to know which knob to turn or button to press that will give you the biggest performance boost. The presentation will detail 12 steps to quickly identify performance issues and fix them.