Tag: Database & Technology

With the rapid adoption of cloud and the emergence of thecollaborative development operations (DevOps) approach withinenterprises, there’s been a great deal of speculation and discussionon the future of the database administrator role. Some punditscited the ever-accelerating needs of enterprises to push productsand services to market as quickly as possible, and to leveragecloud solutions and automation…

With the rapid adoption of cloud and the emergence of thecollaborative development operations (DevOps) approach withinenterprises, there’s been a great deal of speculation and discussionon the future of the database administrator role. Some punditscited the ever-accelerating needs of enterprises to push productsand services to market as quickly as possible, and to leveragecloud solutions and automation…

Original Broadcast: May 7th, 2015 Media and entertainment companies are the powerhouses of digital asset creation and distribution and require high performance, cost-efficient and secure storage solutions. Oracle ZFS Storage systems have demonstrated remarkable success in these environments and are rapidly becoming the storage solution of choice among visual effects companies, cable and satellite television…

When I wrote Optimizing OraclePerformance with Jeff Holt back in 2003, my goal was to define areliable, teachable method for fixing software performance problems. After a few months of contentment after finishing the project, I began to notice a trend in how people were responding to it. Many of the questions coming in had started to repeat…

Understand how your company can develop applications to take advantage of the many benefits of the cloud including no up-front capital expense, pay-as-you-go pricing, easily scale up or down and improve time to market. This case study will show how you can benefit from this experience and use best practices to help develop and deploy applications to give your company the edge to successfully create cloud based applications tightly integrated with Oracle Applications!

Mr Jackson presented the a paper on Database Monitoring at the IOUG Conference in 1993. Since that time, companies have come and gone, and technology has advanced in amazing and unexpected ways. Monitoring and what we need to monitor has also changed. This session will present an overview of where database monitoring has been, the…

JavaScript MVC frameworks, such as AngularJS, are an increasingly popular choice for creating sophisticated web applications. Middle tiers for such applications are most commonly written using Node.js which provides developers with many tools for operations such as creating RESTful URLs, handling user sessions, and connecting to databases. Oracle offers several technologies, some quite new, that…

For more than 30 years, Oracle has extended the database with industry-leading innovations, never breaking its pledge to bring your existing applications and DBAs along with us. That trend continues, with the introduction of Oracle Database In-Memory, an In-Memory column store second to none and compatible with all existing applications.But how does it work and…

Most BI and analytical systems deliver decision making value to their organizations when they are used to look forward into the future, not back into the past. Join us as we break down the dos and don’ts of forecasting, prediction models, and time series analysis. We’ll cover in-database calculations and models using the analytical options…

All organizations know they need to do predictive analytics to get ahead of the competition, but they want to know where to start, how to get returns quickly, and how to implement a scalable solution. The Oracle Data Mining Machine starts with an Oracle Database Appliance and adds a prebuilt advanced analytics platform solution including…