Tag: Database & Technology

An introduction to key skills a database developer should have in his/her toolbelt. Including sql and pl/sql syntax as well as monitoring and debugging tools such as explain plan, tracing and profiling. Differences in db versions will be noted as each feature is discussed. In addition to (often overlooked) fundamentals, the presentation will discuss approaches…

In the latest version of the 11.x version of Fusion Applications, Oracle made large improvements to the Business Process Modeling module. This presentation will show how the new Business Process Management features of Fusion Middleware 11.x can be used within any company to improve workflows, increase agility and align all departments in an organization. Whitepaper…

Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a great tool to build mobile web applications. Such applications, however, require a network connection. If you want to build an application that will work offline, you cannot build it with APEX. Moreover, if you desire to build a native application running directly on iOS and Android devices, you will…

Why should Oracle software users care about Oracle’s new engineered systems? Why is Oracle Exadata Database Machine, the first Oracle engineered system, the fastest growing product in Oracle history with thousands of installations that span every industry and geography? This talk will explain how Oracle’s engineered systems have evolved naturally from the company’s strategy for…

The Home page is the most important page on a website. It gets the bulk of the traffic and it is responsible for converting traffic into sales leads. This presentation will identify the key elements necessary to create a quality Home page and best practices for implementation.

Using corrective actions in Cloud Control 12c we can automate resolutions for alerts. This paper outlines how to configure and setup corrective actions. In the example for this paper we will show how to setup corrective action for archive area used % and what the corrective action should execute when the warning threshold is hit.…

The physical standby offering has been with the Oracle software for light years. When it becomes time to enliven your physical standby, the database component is just part of the real work involved. In this session I will discuss a plethora of other issues that need to be attended to. Without painstaking attention to detail,…

In July of 2013, Oracle released the 12c version of its flagship database. While much of the initial focus was on the new structural capabilities (i.e multi-tenancy), Oracle has also provided many new features available for developers. This presentation will outline some of the new 12c features of interest specifically to developers. Whitepaper PowerPoint

Databases affect machines, machines affect databases. Optimizing one is pointless without knowing the other. System administrators and database administrators will not necessarily have the same opinion - often because they know little about the opposite's needs. This lecture was made to promote understanding - showing how the database can stress the server, and how the…

This session will provide a real world review of a Big Data implementation for a national retailer. The session will discuss the choices which needed to be made as this retailer embarked on their Big Data project. We will review the different Big Data frameworks and will look at tools which were used within the…