Tag: Database & Technology

IOUG President John Matelski interviewed Oracle CEO Mark Hurd. The pair talked about four strategic focus areas of Oracle, the value of user group communities, and Oracle's customer focus and acquisitions.

In this day and age, for many organizations, data is not only crossing into the hundreds of terabytes, but into the near petabyte(PB) and multi-petabyte range. Data is streaming into, out of, and through enterprises from a dizzying array of sources—transactions, remote devices, partnersites, websites, and non-stop user-generated content. Not only are the data stores…

An August 2011 survey of 257 IT and data managers and professionals finds more organizations are embracing both private and public cloud computing. The latest survey finds 37% of respondents now have private cloud computing efforts underway within their enterprises, up from 29% in a similar survey conducted in August 2010. This is also the…

Originally broadcasted on April 16th 2012 Speakers: Honglin Su and Gregory King Click here to view a PDF of the presentation slides

This presentation is the SAP on Oracle Development Update from Jan Klokkers the Senior Director of SAP Development from Oracle Corporation and Dr. Christian Graf the Development Manager for DB Platforms at SAP. Sponsored by the SAP SIG, this presentation will include the current roadmap for SAP on the Oracle DBMS and also the use…

Previous migrations of Oracle Enterprise Manager left a DBA with no fallback position and extensive outage periods for the actual upgrade. Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c has been completely rewritten that includes a comprehensive step-by-step method of safely upgrading including a pre-defined fallback method to revert to. Best practices on using the new Pre-Upgrade Console to validate your existing Grid Control install and insure a error-free migration to 12c. The three different methods of upgrading will be covered with suggestions on how to migrate depending on your technical requirements.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c has introduced many new features that cover many different areas. Some of the new features are especially useful for the database administrator, such as visualization of performance data using ASH. This and other features have improved the management capabilities of the DBA.

Ever get the question from your end user "Is the database down?" That is one question a DBA hates to hear or even worse, to find out is true. This paper will look at how to use Enterprise Manager to monitor your environment. The topics we will look at are how to create a metric, build rules, create notification methods, and deploy/manage many targets. By the end of the paper, hopefully you will have enough knowledge to start building a monitoring framework or at least be comfortable enough to navigate around and start digging deeper.

Oralce Enteprise Manager 12c is here, there is a lot of changes including a new look and feel. This session will cover what has changed, what is new.