Tag: Database & Technology

Oracle Real Application Testing is a very useful tool introduced in Oracle Database 11g and further enhanced in Oracle Database 11g Release 2. This presentation discusses how Oracle Real Application Testing works by going under the covers and derives a set of best practices based on real life experience with this tool

Although real-time Business Intelligence and OLTP applications have drastically different response time requirements, both require real-time response to the applications. Flash storage and in-memory database technology are used to improve application response time and throughput. Neither technology is a substitute for the other. Come learn how in-memory database technology complements your storage selection to accelerate…

Databases do not run in vacuum. Clients and application servers connect to the database, databases connect to storage systems and to each other. All those systems communicate through TCP/IP networks. Quirks on the network level will have a profound effect on the availability and performance of your database.Can you diagnose those problems? What do you…

Modern organizational structures are volatile, disparate and complex due to economic upheaval, boomer exits, technology infusion and global business trends. The result is a population and a workforce that is trying to work and function while riding a tsunami of change and information influx. This presentation discusses a recent study of the impacts of these…


In 2009 in order to facilitate the move to a new disaster proof data center Indiana University needed to create scores of Oracle instances in a short period of time. Key to this effort was the decision to create some simple standardized scripts and instructions to allow us to quickly and consistently clone binaries, create…

This session discusses and demonstrates the exciting new Oracle WebCenter Content Repository API for Java (JCR) adapter for Microsoft SharePoint. It shows how application developers can use this JCR-based adapter to easily integrate SharePoint content into Oracle WebCenter portals and consume it. It also discusses how to easily create, configure, and consume SharePoint content from…

Increasingly, companies are considering public cloud computing solutions, including Oracle's on demand and other software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. However, the adoption of this new breed of applications introduces a technological divide between privately owned datacenters and third-party public clouds, resulting in an array of new challenges to overcome and a new level of management complexity to…

Declarative constraints are designed to implement simple business rules to ensure data integrity. But constraints are much more versatile having roles in query optimization and transformation. When used with materialized views complex business rules can be implemented thus avoiding the need for database triggers. Constraints can be deferred and not enforced on existing data. This…

Security should never be an afterthought with any type of application development. Rather, it should be incorporated into your system design from day one. Unfortunately, many APEX developers forget this rule and try to retrofit in security during the last hours of development before going live. This session will discuss how to incorporate security into…