Tag: Database & Technology

This is a beginner level presentation on partitioning. It includes tips for beginners on the four main ways to partition a table. I will show an example of each type of partitioning as well as benefits of each. I will also show how to merge and split partitions.

By all reports ASM adoption is surging - especially in small and medium sized shops. But large companies have steeper requirements for integration, testing, training and migration - hence more conservative timelines. Teams who manage thousands of databases in facilities worldwide face unique challenges when adopting support for Oracle's Automatic Storage Management. We will discuss…

This session discusses an enterprise scale-out deployment architecture for Oracle Business Intelligence Suite, Enterprise Edition 11g on Oracle VM and Oracle Enterprise Linux. It introduces various administration tools to manage, configure, scale out, and monitor the availability and performance of Oracle Business Intelligence 11g. By taking advantages of the virtualization technologies, the hardware infrastructure platform…

Whether one runs EE or Standard, switchpver or failover to the DR site is only part of the story. Due to the role differences between a master and a physical standby, there is a handful of other tasks that need attention. Regardless of the operating system housing your DR environment, failure to attend to these…

This session covers a baseline configuration for MySQL that should provide a good foundation for building a high-performance database. Although the specifics of getting the best performance from MySQL will vary with each installation, a good starting place has more similarities than differences, even for widely varying applications and use cases. This session will cover…

Topics covered are slowly changing dimensionsâhow to identify and design for Type I and Type II and Type III combinations. Dimensions are standard fixed-length hierarchy in many cases. But modeling non-standard, dynamic hierarchies like an organization hierarchy or account hierarchy is a different story. This session explores different methods for modeling variable-length hierarchies without impacting…

Monitoring MySQL effectively does not have to be difficult. There are many Nagios plugins written for MySQL, but Sheeri Cabral has written a set of scripts that optimizes statistics gathering so that adding additional variable checks does not add a linear amount of database stress. This session will walk you through how to use and…

We depend on MySQL replication to scale out easily. However, MySQL replication does not guarantee data consistency between the master and slave. Luckily there are free third-party tools to check and fix data consistency. This session will explain how to use those tools, and lead folks through the theory and practice of setting up continual…

The vision for Accounts Payable is to be perceived as a business partner that adds value efficiently and cost effectively by providing accurate, timely and actionable financial data that positively impacts the bottom line. Learn how Oracle Enterprise Content Management Partner DTI provides a streamlined approach to automating the paper-intensive AP process by integrating Oracle…