Tag: Database & Technology

Oracle and NLS

This presentation will provide a detailed review of NLS data and how it is stored, and retrieved from an Oracle database. It will also try to show some of the updates from UTF8 to AL32UTF8 / AL16UTF16. We will show some common misconceptions about NLS data, and common error messages encountered with corrupt NLS data;…

As organizations continue to grow through mergers and acquisitions, the need to consolidate representations of entities within these organizations becomes paramount. Master Data Management is the utilization of procedures and software tools to provide a consistent view of all essential entities within an organization. This presentation will outline strategies, methods for overcoming roadblocks and Oracle's…

A portlet is a reusable Web component that can draw content from many different sources. Oracle ADF and Webcenter provides a powerful framework to build and integrate portlets into your enterprise portal. In this session we will demonstrate how to build and deploy portlets using ADF and later integrate into Oracle Webcenter portal. The session…

Passing comma-delimited parameters to Oracle stored procedure is complicated by the fact that the interpretation by Oracle of commas is contextual. We take a look at various real-life situations where this is needed and a clever programming technique whereby we could avoid the pitfalls and achieve the desired result.

The two main reasons for performance degradation in web application architecture are: 1)Excessive round trips between the database and the application server 2)Large pages sent from the application server to the client This presentation demonstrates a 100% "thick database" approach (virtually no code in the application server). Using this approach provided very good performance in…

A humorous but serious look at Oracle's DATE, TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL types. In particular, focusing on the common misuse, alternate best practices and techniques for generating date ranges, filling in missing dates within existing data, manipulating timezones and Daylight Saving Time and exposing some quirks of manipulating the data types including illegal-yet-valid dates and indexing.…

Presents a comparative view of SQL-dialects available in Oracle and MySQL databases. Examines when to use portable and non-portable SQL statements, and examines the comparative mechanics of managing transactions across the two databases. Compares and contrasts the impacts of web form managed transactions from the perspective of single and multiple table transactions.

Oracle Database 11gR2 has a number of unique features thataid in detecting and solving database and SQL related performance issues. AlthoughOracle 11g provide a plethora of tools and options to deal with databaseperformance, the question, however, is which of these are the most useful andpractical and how we can manage all the performance statistics that…

Oracle’s Advance Queuing (AQ) is a full featured, robust messaging system which offer numerous uses for application development, including asynchronous processing, inter-database co-ordination, publish and subscribe, interfacing with other messaging systems such as JMS, and more. This session will cover the features, fundamentals and performance issues involved with using AQ. Topics will include understanding, creating…