Tag: Database & Technology

Based on the presenter's experiences in upgrading an OBIA 7.9.6 installation to OBIEE 11g, this presentation will present an analysis of the 11g architecture and upgrade path. The presentation will expose the architectural differences and dive into the 11g integration with the WebLogic server. It will explore the new schemas and repositories created for OBIEE…

Most storage systems employ B-tree data structures, and suffer from the performance cliffs and unpredictable run times of B-trees. This talk explains how the Fractal Tree data structures work and why they can provide dramatically improved performance in both theory and in practice, yielding 30-fold to 100-fold speedups for trickle loading data while maintaining indexes.…

In today's complex database environments, DBAs need to adhere to industry best practices for performance, scalability and reliability. Compliance to industry best practices can easily be achieved with automation. This session will disseminate fundamental Data Guard best practices and demonstrate how DBAs can automate setup, configuration, and monitoring of Data Guard environments with assistance from…

Leverage your investment in Oracle Applications by creating new user interfaces, collaborative workspaces, self-service applications, process-based portals, and the like on top of Oracle E-Business Suite applications. Come to this session to see how you can increase customer, partner, and employee productivity by using newer user interface technologies accessing your trusted back-end business logic in…

Outsourcing database infrastructure support currently features at the top of Gartner's hype cycle, on the Peak of Inflated Expectations. Up next is the Trough of Disillusionment. Skip the trough by learning from our experiences, good and bad, and fast-forward with us to the Plateau of Productivity. This presentation is focused on the typical mistakes organizations…

This session will deal with the building of Analysis Reports and Dashaboards and also cover actual business requirements. A normal business implementation can be a mixture of both operational and analytical reporting and how it can be designed and developed. The Speaker will also provide the process of converting the Reporting requirements into actual reports.…

In a perfect world (or maybe an 11g world) , your QA database would be an exact clone of production. Unfortunately, most of us live in the real world where cost is always consideration. This can lead to issues with a SQL statement performing well in QA, but sub-optimally in production. There are several ways…

There has been an explosion of IT applications in recent years. This presents a major challenge for companies with regards to IT investments in hardware for databases. This can be dedicated database hardware for a specific set of applications, shared database hardware across all disparate applications within the organization, or a mix of both. This…

What do DBAs and others need to know about Oracle on Sun virtual environments? You can split up a Sun server to deploy multiple Oracle environments, with each one isolated and behaving like a separate box. You can consolidate your Oracle environments in a secure and yet flexible manner. In this session we will address…