Tag: Database & Technology

This session highlights the user community status and direction in support of Oracle customer using Oracle products on System Z. This session will also include System Z user group status and direction, Linux on System Z direction, and Oracle's current status in support of Linux on System Z.

Traditionally DBAs tended to prepare a set of home grown database performance monitoring scripts based on v$views and v$tables for database performance monitoring and diagnosis. However for environments with a large number of databases, a database performance monitoring tool such as Oracle Enterprise manager provides a much more effective way to manage the database performance.…

The SQLTXPLAIN utility was introduced in Oracle 10gR2 as a supplement to the Oracle Tuning Pack. The SQLTXPLAIN utility is separately downloaded and installed into the target database and invoked while SQL "of interest" is running. The utility performs a comprehensive analysis of the running statement (or set of statements) and everything related to them,…

SSD or Solid State Drives is the newest Silver Bullet for providing increased performance for your databases. At times, even upto a factor of multiple times. However, if the wrong SSD drives are chosen or not correctly implemented, it can have the opposite effect and decrease database performance. The first part of this presentation will…

So, now you got a RAC system and suddenly you see events like "gc current block busy" and the system is noticeably slower. What do they mean and how do you solve the issue. This session goes through a series of real life RAC related issues experienced by the speaker and explanation of each of them and how to resolve them properly. For instance, when you see a lot of GC related waits, do not automatically assume the interconnect is slow; it could be the CPU consumption is driving that condition. Learn what these events mean and how to diagnose the issues correctly.

Oracle database workloads are well-suited to virtualization, and this presentation will address the high-level benefits of taking Oracle to VMware. Understand the “why”, and then you will understand the simple mechanics of taking your x86 Oracle databases virtual. We will address performance, support, and licensing issues, and address customer successes to ensure you have a…

This presentation will provide a beginning set of security steps you can take with your Oracle database. As of 11g some of these recommendations are now the default, but if you are managing previous versions of Oracle, these are basic minimum steps that should be taken. Here is a beginning set of security features that…

There are many code debugging tools available to Oracle developers. Some require more effort than others. The author will walk the audience through a debugging session using SQL Developer and how it's used with XML Documents.

This presentation is a live demo on building geospatial map-based BI dashboards. Map Views (aka geo-spatial visualizations) are planned in a forthcoming release Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition and shall offer a point-and-click way of building highly interactive, AJAX based geo-spatial visualizations with analytics data overlain on top. The session will cover the following…

You know you need a BI solution and the insight and analysis it can give your company. But your budget for new projects for the next year is small. So where to turn? Oracle Business Intelligence Standard Edition One is an easy-to-install BI solution. It delivers an Oracle Database instance for your data warehouse, the…