Home / Events / Regional Meetings / HUG 2022 Q3 Quarterly Meeting of the Membership

HUG 2022 Q3 Quarterly Meeting of the Membership

This invitation-only event will convene IT and Business leaders and their direct reports in an intimate setting to explore today’s most compelling and cutting-edge innovations in Business Process management and Enterprise solutions. They will be joined by a carefully curated group providing a unique opportunity for dialogue, discover, and partnerships around the trends and innovations shaping the future of the enterprise.

07:45am – 08:15am
08:15am – 08:30am
Opening Session/Welcome
08:30am – 09:10am Keynote Presentation
Randy Lakner – Purpose and Success: Leadership in the 2020s
Former CIO at Oil States International
09:20am – 10:00am Breakout Sessions/Series #1
10:10am – 10:50am Breakout Sessions/Series #2
11:00am – 11:40am
11:40am – 12:00pm Sponsor Networking
Breakout Sessions/Series #3
12:00pm – 12:45pm Networking Luncheon
12:45pm – 1:30pm Roundtable Discussions
1:30pm – 1:45pm Door Prize Drawings/Adjournment