Tag: Database & Technology

On version 12c Oracle introduced several new features to allow Adaptive optimizations: Adaptive Plans and Adaptive Statistics. After a quick presentation of concepts, this session will explore the interaction of these features with other performance management techniques using examples, like SPM and SQL profiles. Attendees will get an updated picture of tools available to troubleshoot…

Have you every wondered what it takes to BLOG about technology? This Quick Tip will cover how to start BLOGing, from what not to say, though the process of editing and publishing your BLOG using a few free tools.

You have been working as a DBA for years and are planning/starting to support an Exadata installation. There are several planned and unplanned maintenance task that you will face, involving a lot of details on each one. Don't wait to master them with practice, on this session we will share our experience of working with…

Learn how the Oracle cloud can be used to backup and recover databases using RMAN, the defacto standard for Oracle backups. Learn how this solves the backup problem for both smaller IT organizations and larger Enterprises that use systems (like the ODA) that are deployed to remote locations. In this Hands on Lab, you will…

Big Data integration is an excellent feature in the Oracle Data Integration product suite (Oracle Data Integrator, GoldenGate, & Enterprise Data Quality). But not all analytics require big data technologies, such as labor cost, revenue, or expense reporting. Ralph Kimball, an original architect of the dimensional model in data warehousing, spent much of his career working to build an enterprise data warehouse methodology that can meet these reporting needs. His book, "The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit", is a guide for many ETL developers. This session will walk you through his ETL Subsystem categories; Extracting, Cleaning & Conforming, Delivering, and Managing, describing how the Oracle Data Integration products are perfectly suited for the Kimball approach.

The WebCenter Sites Automation Tool Kit is the best way to get the most out of your Web Experience Management tool. It is important to understand the core concepts of automation and proper way to go about using automation to your advantage. Automation when done wrong can cause massive headaches. This presentation will cover the…

The presentation will tell about data migration from 10g RAC Solaris sparc to 12c RAC Linux 64x86 . The learner will hear about problems related to cross paltfrm and cross version migrations and complications related to the maintenance.  From other side the presentation will show how the much bigger volume of data was moved with…

As the Oracle Database evolves, so should the way DBAs monitor and manage it.  And even though the Oracle Database Scheduler was introduced with Oracle 10g over a dozen years ago, almost all DBA environments still rely heavily on the Linux (UNIX) CRON for scheduling of database monitoring, managment, or backup jobs. But the Oracle…

Regardless of whether you have Oracle Database Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, or any optional packs there is a wide variety of key database security features and mechanisms built right into the Oracle database that are typically overlooked, under appreciated, not understood, or are unknown even to the experienced senior DBA. This presentation goes well beyond…

Dan will cover quite a number of new features of the Oracle12 database that should be of value to developers and DBA’s. Eligible for Certificate: #IOUGeniusCert; #IOUGenius12c Info: www.collaborate.ioug.org/certificates