Tag: Database & Technology

Original Broadcast: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Cloud ERP systems are about to become smarter, enabling higher worker productivity, organizational efficiency and revenue generation. 'How so' you ask? AI-based ERP systems, working symbiotically with smart wearables, will help identify business opportunities, profile meeting participants, take notes, document decision criteria, update opportunities, and create action items on…

Original Broadcast Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 The dream of a seamless enterprise cloud implementation is getting closer every day. But rather than letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, Oracle is building a massive cloud that takes advantage of the massive speed and scale of Oracle ZS today. We’ll discuss what tools…

The evolution from traditional IT silos to a cloud environment starts with identifying the essential services IT will provide.  Then, rationalize the vendor and technology components to a standardized, manageable set.  Reducing complexity enables efficient consolidation, more automation and faster delivery, all with lower risk and costs.  The Service Catalog is the essential medium for…

The perils of maintaining training and development sandbox environments are wide and varied. Those pains are experienced by almost all businesses. How do you provide hands-on technical training? How do you support a group of IT professionals developing inside an enterprise-class server environment? Providing only one training server or a limited development server is fraught…

In the past three years, private cloud computing has moved from an aspiration to a tentative reality for nearly half of large enterprises.The reason for private cloud adoption is simple – providing competitive business edge through continuous delivery. Providing developers with databases on demand while improving operational efficiency in a consolidated infrastructure is achievable using…

If a system receives information that drives transaction processing, it is sometimes necessary to follow the transaction detail through several stages of processing or through processing steps that may vary depending upon the source data. When processing of a given row is “complete” there are more efficient means than deletion to remove it from consideration…

Oracle database AWR performance repository is a hidden treasure. There are a lot of very useful details about your systems behavior hidden in that repository. This presentation designed to give you all knowledge you need to start leveraging the data more than standard AWR based reports allows you. The author will walk you through several…

Case study how we have built our own private cloud based on Oracle Virtual Machine and OEM 12c cloud control. Learning Objectives: 1. Learn how to built cloud based on OVM 2. How to setup and bind OEM and OVM and how to keep it running 3. How to manage users and activity in your cloud. Whitepaper Powerpoint…

Many shops have adopted Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12cfor real-time monitoring and maintenance. In this session, you’ll be introduced to the powerful extensibility features built into Oracle Enterprise Manager. Custom metrics collection, scripted interfaces, configuration management, and public reports all expand the value of Oracle Enterprise Manager to your enterprise and improve your personal…

Many database administrators are enslaved by their consoles, completely dependent on GUI-based database management tools not only for notifications but for all diagnostics.  This presentation is about breaking away from that entrapment and getting into the Linux/UNIX shell and finding out what's really going on within the database server. This presentation will discuss the basic…