Tag: Database & Technology

Data warehouses contain large volumes of data. As data volume grows, the process of querying and retrieving data gets challenging and inefficient. The Oracle database packs in some advance features to achieve efficiency and scalability in data warehouses. This session will discuss how to leverage these features that already exists in an oracle data warehouse.…

Oracle GoldenGate Downstream Capture is a great feature to offload the data replication workload from the primary database. In this session, we'll be reviewing the Oracle GoldenGate downstream capture architecture, setup procedure, and real world lessons learned from running downstream capture in enterprise environments. PowerPoint Whitepaper

Keeping an Oracle Real Application Cluster in good health is one of the main objectives for a RAC administrator. Oracle has released a bunch of tools for this task. The talk presents the most important tasks for the prevention and the diagnosis of RAC issues, namely OraChk, Cluster Health Monitor (CHM) and Trace File Analyzer…

Having provided advanced subject matter expertise to numerous customers for their integration projects, a common theme emerges; most forget to factor in some important elements into their integration design. These are often introduced later as the organization grows in its SOA maturity level, but then comes at considerable cost and effort. Some recommendations are architectural…

There are 2 types of replication methods available for the Oracle database. Physical and logical replication. This papers looks into what the differences are between logical and physical replication and what are the best use cases for each. It will explore the underlying concepts and methods used in both types of replication and discuss the advantages and…

Virtual box is widely used for training by many institutions and by individuals to have hands on experience with Oracle and other products. The setup is easy. Virtual box lets DBAs and Developers have a Linux system running on their desktop. There are several pre-configured virtual host images available as well. This session will introduce…

Installing and using Oracle database software on Linux can be challenging for some.  Maybe due to the past where sometimes, things just did not go as smooth as expected with the installer.  But over the last few releases of the Database, things changed and installations on Linux is easy.  But what if you are not…

Oracle 12c is now installed and all the new options it brings to the table, but what If you lose your primary database for a day or even an hour due to a disaster, what would the impact to your business be? Would you lose money, clients or your reputation? You might say, “I have…

Learn how to use AWR data to analyze performance, perform capacity planning and tune your Oracle 12c database. We will cover detailed query and instance performance capacity metircs from different viewpoints. RAC performance and new 12c features such as the in-memory and multitenant options will also be covered. We will look beyond standard reporting and show new…

There is increasing pressure to improve system availability to try to provide 5X9 service. This 99.999% availability requirement means a system can only be unavailable 5 minutes and 15 seconds a year! In other words, you can’t bring it down. Using Oracle 12c features, we can now keep the system available for end users through…