Tag: Database & Technology

Original Broadcast: 5.1.13 Featured Speaker: Victor Mejia, Chief Executive Officer, VLM Systems After completing this workshop, attendees will understand the concepts, and deploy enterprise applications in minutes using Oracle VM Templates, Zero-Downtime Kernel updates, and migration strategies to implement and manage public and private Oracle Clouds. Strategies taught in this session: * How to deploy…

With nearly every aspect of technology changing rapidly, it is perhaps odd that we have been slow to follow suit with best practices. There is no shortage of Oracle best practices but the big question is "Are some of them still relevant?”. This presentation will go over some of the best Oracle performance tuning practices…

Monitoring is very important to any organization that is focused on providing uninterrupted service to customers. When it comes to performance, most of the monitoring is reactive making it very difficult to reproduce or fix the issue. Too many alerts or incorrect alerts may divert the focus on wrong things or ignore real issues. The…

Blue Medora demonstrates Enterprise Manager 12c's ability to monitor and manage highly scalable heterogeneous virtualization environments. The extensibility of EM12c will be demonstrated via a new EDK-based plugin that provides comprehensive monitoring and management of critical VMware-based virtualization infrastructures. In this educational session, Blue Medora offers a case study of: • Automatic remote discovery of…

This presentation explains minimum downtime migrations between various Oracle version and platform combinations with Oracle GoldenGate.

The IT industry has it's own "last mile problem": Privileged Access Surveillance. Learn about the realities of privileged access, options for creating accountability, auditability, an emergency/break-glass capability, and eventually even complete visibility into what authorized production engineers are doing while claiming their privileged access to data.

This session is focused on the internals of the Pluggable Databases feature of the latest Oracle Database release. How it works inside and what that means for administrators that need to build and manage database clouds.

This session will walk through several practical example of using Hadoop in the companies who've been traditional users of relational Oracle databases. We will look into such ares as ETL, archival storage as well as analytics.

Introducing new software technologies like ADF in organizations is accompanied by an increased risk during the initial roll-out phases, often because of insufficient skills within the development and operations teams. Training and experienced consulting support is certainly one way to reduce such risk but by avoiding "Big Bang" deployments and allowing an iterative phased approach…

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c provides a complete infrastructure management solution for databases, applications and hardware. Being such a key component in the enterprise naturally leads to concerns about redundancy and high availability. If something does go wrong within the configuration, it should be able to be recovered in the shortest possible time, thus…