Tag: Database & Technology

Virtual servers offer tremendous advantages over physical servers. This presentation will teach virtualization from an Oracle DBA perspective. Attendees will learn how virtual infrastructure platforms provide a higher level of stability, reliability and availability than physical infrastructures. Reference architectures, key features/functionality, secret recipes from the experts and best practices from VMware will be covered. Key…

MySQL continues to be the world’s most popular database management system for the Internet. This session provides a fast-paced introduction to the MySQL architecture, core features, best practices, and core performance areas. A MySQL version of OFA will be shown as a best practice. MySQL features will be taught from a perspective that is easy…

Abstract: This presentation will teach different aspects of SSXA. The main goal is to offer ways to maximize the value and usability of an SSXA site. The topics covered will include transitioning from Site Studio to SSXA, maximizing contributor experience, and different forms of version control. Other topics include deployment strategies and moving from SSPU…

Software upgrades often present concerns and challenges, and upgrading your WebCenter Content-based instances to 11g is no exception. The 11g release has introduces new items to consider as the system has moved from a stand-alone Java application to a web application requiring an app server. This session will address all the “new” considerations that must…

You have big data and want to use it to gain a competitive advantage but you're just not sure how to get out of the gate. How do you uncover the right business problem to tackle first? What project will deliver more immediate ROI? What are the key technology considerations? How you can start with…

Companies are often struggling to keep up with all the popular website delivery channels: internet, intranet, extranet, workstations, laptops, tablets, mobile devices, etc. New devices are emerging as you read this. The display technology is evolving so fast that it feels like your website is obsolete before it is published. Is there a solution? Responsive…

Time to value is an important consideration when purchasing an Exadata. So should it be when integrating it into your enterprise. While the urge to intricately plan and prepare a warehouse ecosystem worthy of this dream platform, management's need to maintain its competitive edge and for fast return on investment required a more expedient and…

Many of the tasks performed through the OEM console can also be performed on the command line and in shell scripts using Enterprise Manager Command Line (EMCLI). This technical session illustrates several methods for automating routine tasks in a scalable, efficient manner using EMCLI.

Original broadcast: 3.26.13 Featured Speaker: Bryan Vongray, Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer,  Global Product Support, Database: RAC RACcheck is designed to be a proactive self-service method for customers to perform Health Checks on their RAC systems.  RACcheck validates and provides system specific feedback on configuration issues, Best Practices and Success Factors within a user friendly…

Solid State Disk (SSD) is rapidly becoming a mainstream technology and an almost indispensable ingredient in a high performance Oracle database. While SSD is often too expensive to replace all your database disk, judicial use of SSD in combination with magnetic disk can be a very cost effective way of accelerating Oracle database performance. This…