Tag: Database & Technology

Aggregate navigation describes the functionality that BI systems have to use summary level data instead of detail level data for faster data access and report performance. When using Oracle Business Intelligence 11g and Oracle Database 11g, we can choose which “engine” we want to handle summary management and the navigation between different levels of granularity:…

Oracle E-Business Suite delivers functionality for handling the core business of your organization. However, user requirements and new technologies are driving an emerging need to implement new types of user interfaces for enterprise applications. This session provides an overview of how to use Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) in combination with Oracle SOA Suite…

Oracle ADF is the framework used to build the new generation of Oracle's enterprise applications - Oracle Fusion Applications. Oracle ADF can also be used to build custom applications including applications that connect to Oracle E-Business Suite. In this session we'll provide an overview of Oracle ADF and the technologies and components it uses tailored…

This session provides an introduction as well as tips for both setting up and troubleshooting Archiver, File Store Provider, and Replication. Each section will go into what the tool is; a general use case for that particular tool; and, end with basic instructions for using the tool, tips, particulars to keep in mind while using…

Learn how to improve WebCenter Content contribution experience with Content Profiles by managing its Rules.

Interested in what to do with the vast, unstructured social data on sites like Twitter and Facebook? This presentation will help you discover how to combine social network data, advanced analytics and visualization to find important patterns in the social web. Demonstrations will use Oracle R and Oracle Business Intelligence with real-world data sets to…

From tracking customers in online stores to tweets and blog posts, unstructured data is rapidly growing and businesses are looking for ways to analyze it. In this presentation, I will explain why storing and processing unstructured data is a challenge best answered by specialized systems such as Hadoop, I will dive into how Hadoop works…

The drastic price drops in solid state storage have opened new avenues to maximize database performance. Even very large databases can put their entire active data sets on solid state storage, relegating rotating storage to archival roles. Exadata X3 demonstrates how terabytes of solid state storage can be obtained for the same cost as smaller…

Oracle Database Standard Edition is sometimes the neglected smaller brother of Enterprise Edition. Most will focus on the new features available in the Enterprise Edition stack, but what about Standard Edition? People seem to forget that it is still the same core database. It can provide you with highly available solutions as well as help…

What is Disaster Recovery? Do you have an Oracle database environment with important information that needs to be available no matter what? An important question you should ask yourself is; if you lose your primary database environment for a day or even an hour due to a disaster (human error, natural or any other), what…