Tag: Database & Technology

You definitely heard about it, may be saw some demos and, perhaps even dabbled a little and nowyou want to know more about it. This session explains what RAC is to theuninitiated starting with the multi-instance model. It goes on to explain whatis actually meant by terms like cache fusion, interconnect, Virtual IP, publicIP, LMS…

Oracle Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) was introduced with Oracle 10g and is a powerful way to analyze and compare database performance. The AWR data is collected by the Oracle database and recorded for a defined period of time. AWR is the came to be evolving from UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT to statspack, to AWR. Do you want to…

APEX 4.0 introduces maps, Gantt charts and improved charting capabilities. Great, but how do I make meaningful use of these new features in my applications? This session is a deep dive into practical adoption of maps, Gantts and charts in your current and future applications, touching on additional APEX 4.0 new features along the way.

APEX gains ground every year with the Oracle development community. How are people really using the tool? What are they using it for? How happy are they? This paper will summarize the experiences of development teams throughout the world and provide an overview of their usage and perceptions of the environment.

The need to manage heterogeneous environments is a fact for many production engineers, making a complete monitoring solution a critical component of today's enterprise IT operations. Oracle Enterprise Manager is oriented towards providing end-to-end management for business applications, with plug-ins extending its management capabilities to an expanding variety of products.Learn to leverage your existing Oracle…

As DBAs take on more responsibility managing storage withASM they need more tools in their toolbox to help troubleshoot and managestorage over time. Often there aremisunderstandings of device files, and multiple hands touching the storagebetween multiple IT support groups. Here we will provide some information on using Linux tools to keep trackof your ASM disks…

In this session the Speaker will cover the features and functionalities of BI Publisher and how BI Publisher can be used in an integrated environment where we have OBIEE and BI Publisher. The Speaker will cover some of the complex reporting requirements and some of the critical problems which the users normally face while using…

The presenter/author will talk about his Experience, Lessons learned, Tips/Tricks, Recommendations, Best-Practices and a whole lot more about a series of documents/guides that that he has authored to migrate your Online/HOT Oracle Single-Server Single-Instance database to Real Application Clusters on Automatic Storage Management (ASM) using Oracle Streams and Data Pump.

For Site Studio websites, the performance of the web server will ultimately determine load duration and response time for your pages. For the most efficient delivery of pages, site assets such as JavaScript, CSS, and images can be combined, while some code fragments in Idoc Script can be cached.

Attendees areintroduced to the new and improved features of Oracle 11g (both Oracle 11g R1and Oracle 11g R2) that directly impact application development. Specialemphasis is placed on features that reduce development time, make developmentsimpler, improve performance, or speed deployment. Specific topics include: NewSQL functions, new analytic functions, virtual columns, result caching, XML improvements,pivot statements, JDBC…