Tag: Database & Technology

Sometimes, answering simple questions that can be stated clearly in plain English can require pretty convoluted SQL to answer in Oracle. This session tackles some common needs (and a few uncommon situations, too), providing a few building block techniques along the way. A session that is sure to appeal to wonks at all levels!

The presentation highlights a proven step-by-step methodology in detecting database performance issues and subsequent resolutions for RAC database environment. This technique has resulted in very successful deployment of RAC database at Verizon Wireless supporting over 30,000 concurrent users for a customer facing business critical application with 24X7X365 availability. The presentation demonstrates structured methodology focusing on:…

Collecting Optimizer Statistics is always a double-edged sword - it might force the optimizer to generate new plans which could be better or worse than the existing plan. But you can't stop stats collection too; since that could definitely result in poor plans. So what can you do? In Oracle 11g, you can force stats…

Too many Oracle shops start from scratch when beginning PL/SQL development, learning the hard way from novice developers, books, bugs and expensive trial and error. We will look in-depth at an open source framework that can save you 4 to 8 weeks of development time, and months of future refactoring and maintenance enhancements. It can…

Many times during a project life cycle, new technology is introduced that presents first time challenges. The author will describe a project using Oracle XML DB and discuss why XML DB was chosen, how XML DB was used, and the technical issues encountered. The author will provide several examples using XMLTYPE, CLOBs, XML DB methods,…

We will discuss some of the interesting performance issues and solutions. These issues are encountered with various clients across the globe. (i) A case of High Kernel mode CPU usage (ii) Small dose of NUMA etc. (iii) A case of hung cluster due to CF enqueue locks (iv) A case of hung RAC instances due…

We all know that optimizer stats are vital for the optimizer to produce efficient plans. Histograms provide the optimizer with even more detailed knowledge on the data. But what about the SQL statements that transform the data in predicates, e.g. UPPER() or NVL()? The optimizer can't make an intelligent decision in those cases. In Oracle 11g, using extended statistics you can actually create that knowledge for the optimizer. In this quick session you will learn what the extended stats are, how to collect them, how to use them (and check for their usage) and so on.

This session covers the Oracle FMW products that run on Linux on System z. It describes in detail experiences with installing and tuning WebLogic 10.3. on Linux on System z.

The ability to display data using an appropriate visualization is key to providing insights to business intelligence users. For data with a geographical dimension, geo-spatial views can often be most appropriate. Wider adoption of geo-spatial analytic visualizations in companies has hampered because of the challenge of acquiring mapping and geospatial data, of integrating mapping applications…

Oracle Database 11g is a comprehensive database platform for data warehousing and business intelligence that combines industry-leading scalability and performance, deeply-integrated analytics such as OLAP and Data Mining, and embedded integration and data-quality. Also for data warehousing, the Sun Oracle Database Machine provides a complete, integrated hardware and software solution for high performance data warehousing,…