Tag: Database & Technology

The spotlight has turned towards making databases more secure in recent years, and a strong recommendation is to ensure any measures that are taken are mainly database-centric. This talk covers the use of privileges and roles to control access to database objects and the ability to carry out work on an Oracle database. A range…

OCS (Oracle Collaboration Suite) is a legacy Oracle Middleware offering that was used by a team of researchers to run a KM (Knowledge Management) Portal for DoD (US Dept. of Defense) experimentation. While the team was amongst the beta users and the experience ground-breaking, over time OCS showed its age which necessitated the move to…

Enterprise Portals have access control needs, which require dynamic roles that are based on user attributes and time constraints versus just static group memberships. Attend this session to learn how WebCenter Portal, through a unique, flexible architecture can integrate with Oracle Entitlements Server to provide granular access control using dynamic roles.

If you ever needed to access the Content Server from outside but considered it hard to integrate with - chances are - you didnt get a proper introduction. Stop by this session and get data flowing both ways in your app - before you leave the session! Its that simple.

How to create a Portal using Webcenter Portal and extend it with various resources like Skins, Page Templates built using JDeveloper. Also, learn to use version control systems to source control all your enhancements done via JDeveloper be it Skins , or be it a brand new taskflow. You will also learn how to source…

Amazon being a global company and the largest online retailer on the internet has business units across the globe. The challenge was to consolidate the hundreds of different financial reports being generated everyday across the globe from different transactional systems and data marts. This led to inaccurate reporting of financial numbers and also delays for…

WikiLeaks has dramatically changed how organizations deal with data security. Without getting into the politics, this session will discuss how to mitigate data breaches in your APEX applications. It will follow your data through its “chain of custody”, and provide insights on securing it at each step. It will cover not only things to do…

Exadata is an engineered system that has a variety of expansion options. Learn about the methodology that was used to determine the expansion approach and the lessons learned with expantion of an Exadata system with the Exadata Storage Expansion.

When you ask a MySQL DBA about security, they will usually tell you one or more of these three things: 1) strong MySQL passwords; 2) proper user@host grants and 3) SSL connectivity. However in reality MySQL is not deployed in an isolated secure room with no network access like the CIA computer room in the…

This is a continuation of “Oracle11.1 to 11.2 – In giant steps” session. The previous session talked about what you need to think about before starting the migration. This session continues the process to discuss the specific steps needed to upgrade from Oracle11.1 to Oracle11gR2.