Tag: Oracle EPM Cloud - Enterprise Planning

Feb 11 @  11:00am

Abstract This is part four of a four-part series on application design for EPM Planning. The series will cover best practices to ensure high performing applications. Description This is part four of a four-part series on application design for EPM Planning. The series will cover best practices to ensure high performing applications. Presented by: Muthu…

During Quest Forum Digital Event: Cloud Week, Ramkumar Ramanathan, Manager of Application Architecture Information Technology at ATCO, shared the story of ATCO's EPM Cloud implementation and deployment of Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud.

Quest Forum Digital Event 2020 

There was once a time when professionals learned primarily by sitting in a room and listening to an instructor lecture. Today, in modern learning environments, organizations have evolved to using new, flexible, convenient, and very effective, alternative, and hybrid delivery formats. In this session, we will discuss how to leverage modern learning to set your Oracle Cloud implementation on the fast track to success, using examples from multiple Oracle applications. Learn best practices for using modern learning and methods for deploying digital learning, in-application Guided Learning, and hybrid classroom and on-demand approaches. Come check out this session to learn how to take advantage of modern learning for a successful Oracle Cloud implementation.